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2022 Faculty Election

Erika Ripley

Running for: Faculty Grievance Committee, Full Professor/Librarian
  • Librarian
  • University Libraries
  • Appointed: 2013
  • MLS, University of Oklahoma, 2000
UNC Service

I am the Head of Resource Acquisitions & Management in the University Libraries, and have served on numerous committees within the Libraries and nationally within the American Library Association. At the University-level, I am past member of the Faculty Grievance Committee (2017-2020) which I co-chaired for the latter 2 years of my term.

Candidate Statement

Service to the university community and to faculty governance are responsibilities that I take seriously. As a past member of the committee, as a longtime manager, and as an employee myself, I respect for the critical role the committee plays in weighing concerns brought forward. Transparency, equity, and integrity are at the heart of the committee's work, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be considered to contribute to our community through the Faculty Grievance Committee.