2021 Faculty Election

Lisa Rahangdale
Running for: Faculty Athletics Committee
- Professor
- Obstetrics & Gynecology, School of Medicine
- Appointed: 2009
- MD, UNC School of Medicine, 2000
UNC Service
At the UNC School of Medicine, I am Associate Dean for Admissions and have served as Chair of our Admissions Committee since 2017. At the University level, I have been a member of the Faculty Council since 2019. In the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, I have served as Senior Ambulatory Medical Director, Medical Director of Labor & Delivery, Fellowship Director, Course director, and a member of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.
Candidate Statement
As a proud alumna (BS ’95, MD ’00), I recognize the excellent educational experience I had as a student here at UNC. As Admissions Dean at the UNC SOM, I also recognize the incredible skills that our student-athletes bring to our professional programs, graduate schools, and work force. It is critical that our student athletes are able to obtain the education and preparation they need to be ready for life off of the field. My priority as a member of the Faculty Athletics Committee will focus on our role as a university to prepare our students for life after Carolina.