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2022 Faculty Election

Michelle Meyer

Running for: Division 13. School of Medicine: Faculty Council, Tenured
  • Associate Professor
  • School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine
  • Appointed: 2016
  • PhD, University of Pittsburgh, 2011
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

Since 2016, I served on research and leadership committees within the Department of Emergency Medicine and served on a self-study subcommittee for the School of Medicine LCME 2020 site visit. I enjoyed interacting with faculty during the LCME meetings and furthered my governance through the UNC Faculty Council. In the past three years on the UNC Faculty Council, I enjoyed hearing from and interacting with other faculty members on important issues facing UNC. Serving on the UNC Faculty Council will continue to provide me insight into emerging issues, the opportunity to listen to stakeholders, and to be a part of the solution to these issues.

Candidate Statement

I am running for membership on the UNC Faculty Council with great enthusiasm. I am an Associate Professor and Associate Chair of Research in the Department of Emergency Medicine. In my role as Associate Chair of Research, I lead the department’s research goals and facilitate research of the faculty and research staff. Additionally, I lead multi-institutional scientific working groups that result in scientific meetings and published papers. As an epidemiologist with ties in both the School of Medicine and the Gillings School of Global Public Health, I offer a unique interdisciplinary perspective on faculty needs and challenges. My mentorship experiences with undergraduate, graduate, and medical students, research assistants, and early career faculty have given me appreciation for concerns facing members across campus.