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2020 Faculty Election

Kenya McNeal-Trice

Running for: Advisory Committee
  • Professor
  • Pediatrics, Medicine
  • Appointed: 2007
  • MD, Wayne State University School of Medicine, 2002
UNC Service

I am the Vice Chair of Education in the Department of Pediatrics at the School of Medicine. I have served as the Associate Director and Director of Medical Student Programs in Pediatrics and was selected to become the Program Director of the Pediatric Residency Programs in 2014. I am the Interim Associate Dean of Inclusive Excellence and serve on the School of Medicine’s Education, Admissions, and Student Progress Committee. I have served as a Carolina Covenant Mentor and on the Campus Health Services Advisory Group. In 2016, I was appointed to the Committee on the Status of Women, and am currently serving my second term on the council.

Candidate Statement

My current roles allow me to pursue educational innovation that promotes diversity and inclusion within clinical practice and academic medicine. As a member of the Council on the Status of Women, I have addressed ongoing concerns of women and underrepresented faculty, identified obstacles to the achievement of equity in the representation of women on campus, and proposed steps for overcoming those obstacles. Adaptive leadership recognizes that solutions to systemic inequities are only found by using the collective wisdom and effort of an entire community. I believe leaders should challenge the status quo and historical practices that have nullified diversity and inclusion efforts, while amplifying disparities. Membership on the Advisory Committee will allow me to engage across the university to address institutional priorities.