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2020 Faculty Election

George Lensing

Running for: Division 18. Retired Faculty: Faculty Council
  • Mann Family Distinguished Professor of English, Emeritus
  • English and Comparative Literature
  • Appointed: 1969
  • PhD, Louisiana State University, 1966
UNC Service

Dean of Honors, Art and Sciences: 6 years
Secretary of the Faculty: 5 years
Director, Office of Distinguished Scholarships: 6 years
Dept. Of English and Comp. Lit., Director of Undergraduate English: 10 years; Director of English Honors, 45 years.
Teaching Awards: Bowman Gordon Gray; Sanders; Chapman, Thomas Jefferson Award
I continue to serve on UNC Nominating Committee for Rhodes Scholarship.

Candidate Statement

I hope to enhance and strengthen connections between retired faculty and rest of university, including the Faculty Council. Having served as Secretary of the Faculty, I am familiar with the Faculty Council’s operations: committees, regulations, and procedures.