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2020 Faculty Election

Raj Kasthuri

Running for: Faculty Executive Committee
  • Clinical Associate Professor
  • Hematology and Oncology, Medicine
  • Appointed: 2007
  • MBBS, Kasturba Medical College, India
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

I joined the faculty at UNC in 2007. Over the last 13 years, I have served our institution in a number of capacities. Some highlights include: faculty reviewer for applicants to UNC School of Medicine and the Internal Medicine residency program, teaching hematology curriculum to medical students (every year since joining the faculty), member of the Oncology Pharmacy & Therapeutics subcommittee, physician lead on the Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia Stewardship program that we started in 2015, primary mentor or thesis committee member for a number of hematology trainees and undergraduate students over the last 10 years.

Candidate Statement

My contributions to UNC have thus far involved efforts within the UNC School of Medicine and the HealthCare system. I welcome the opportunity to contribute to the UNC community at large. I am blessed to have the opportunity to be part of an open, welcoming and diverse community of students, teachers, scientists and physicians at one of the most historic institutions in our country. As we continue to pursue our stated mission to serve as a beacon for research, scholarship and creativity as we educate and help shape a diverse community of students into tomorrows leaders, we must acknowledge that we are bound to face challenges on various fronts - equality, diversity, financial and budgetary, or health-related such as the current corona virus pandemic, to name a few. I look forward to playing my part in helping UNC continue to serve its mission in the years to come.