2020 Faculty Election

Joe Bob Hester
Running for: Division 9: School of Journalism and Media
- Associate Professor
- Hussman School of Journalism & Media
- Appointed: 2001
- PhD, University of Alabama, 1998
UNC Service
Within my unit, I served as associate dean for undergraduate studies (2008-2010) and chaired numerous committees (curriculum, scholarship, search, IRB, etc.) since my appointment in 2001. At the university level, I served on the Provost's Task Force on Enrollment Excellence (2008–2009), the Committee on Enrollment Excellence Implementation (2009-2010), and the Faculty Council (2018-2019).
Candidate Statement
My previous experience on the Faculty Council showed me the power of faculty governance and I would be proud to represent the Hussman School again. The Faculty Council represents an opportunity for faculty in the professional schools to collaborate with faculty from other units to enhance the lives of faculty and the students we serve.