2021 Faculty Election
Jan Hannig
Running for: Faculty Assembly Delegation, Faculty Grievance Committee, Full Professor/Librarian
- Professor
- Statistics and Operations Research, College of Arts and Sciences
- Appointed: 2008
- Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2000
- Candidate Website
UNC Service
I am a Professor in the Department of Statistics and Operations Research. My current research interests are foundations of data science and statistics, and their applications to biology and forensic science. In my own research I do not shy away from controversial topics. I served two terms on the Faculty Council where I developed a reputation for asking tough questions. I also served on Grievance Committee and Student Stores Advisory Committee. Last year I was an alternate on Faculty Assembly Delegation serving on the governance committee.
Candidate Statement
I am running for a seat on the Faculty Assembly Delegation and Grievance committee.
Bodies such as Faculty Council and Faculty Assembly have, in my opinion, only a limited power. Their real influence lies in bringing up topics for discussion, and asking the administration hard, honest, respectful questions. I have asked many such questions during my time on the Faculty Council. If elected, I will continue to do so at the systemwide level. We need to keep the general administration accountable in the hard times we are experiencing. If elected, I would make sure that issues related to being world class research university are not lost in the systemwide discussions.
The grievance committee, while having a limited actual power, has a big role in speaking out for marginalized members of the faculty. I would love to continue my work there.