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2021 Faculty Election

Barbara Friedman

Running for: Faculty Grievance Committee, Associate Professor/Associate Librarian
  • Associate Professor
  • Hussman School of Journalism and Media
  • Appointed: 2004
  • Ph.D., University of Missouri, 2004
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

Service is vital to faculty governance, to which I am committed. As selected examples: I am a member of Hussman’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee; and served for 6 years on our Promotion/Tenure Committee. As a member of the Provost’s Task Force on Engaged Scholarship in 2015-2016, I contributed to formal recommendations for the inclusion and evaluation of engaged scholarship in APT decisions; I continue as a member of the Carolina Engagement Council. Additionally, I have been an appointed member of a review committee for administrative officers, and recently co-chaired a subcommittee for the University Teaching Awards.

Candidate Statement

I believe that fairness in personnel decisions is essential to a healthy workplace, and I care deeply about contributing to UNC as an outstanding place to work. Moreover, service on the Grievance Committee is an opportunity to ensure the University commitment to democratic values, including transparency and accountability. As a member of Hussman’s Promotion and Tenure Committee 2013-2018, and as chair of a Teaching Evaluations Task Force 2015-2017, I was engaged in similar evaluative work, and appreciate its difficulties and its impact on individuals and institutions. My teaching, research and service focus on issues related to equity, and collectively they require careful listening, collaboration, fairness and assessment—these are the kinds of experiences I would draw upon in service of the Grievance Committee.