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2023 Faculty Election

Charles (Carlos) Ebert

Running for: Division 13. School of Medicine: Faculty Council, Tenured
  • Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
  • School of Medicine
  • Appointed: 2009
  • MD, MPH
UNC Service

I have not been in involved in any significant form in UNC committees outside of my department or the hospital. However, I am eager to parlay my experience to serve the Faculty Council. I have severed on the UNC hospitals’ product committee and within my department as associate program director and medical director of Otolaryngic allergy services. Also, I have experience in numerous committees within national organizations. I serve as President of the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy Foundation and member of the IFAR (Journal) LLC Board, as well as many other positions that have provided me experience to use in this role.

Candidate Statement

The experience I have gained from my UNC journey that began in 1987 when I entered as a freshman undergraduate provides me with a unique perspective for the Faculty Council. While an undergraduate, I majored in Spanish and Political Science. After graduation and living a few years in Spain, I returned to Chapel Hill and worked as a Spanish Interpreter in the hospital. I became enamored with the work of the faculty physicians and decided to work towards becoming a physician. I enrolled in the UNC School of Medicine. Also, I obtained a MPH from our School of Public Health. Then, I entered residency in otolaryngology at UNC. I joined faculty in 2009. In 2020, I became a full professor with tenure. This journey through numerous schools within the university, has given me experience that will serve the Faculty Council and the University well.