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2021 Faculty Election

Jenny Boyd

Running for: Division 13. School of Medicine: Faculty Council, Nontenured
  • Associate Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine
  • Appointed: 2009
  • MD, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, College of Medicine, 2003
UNC Service

As a member of the Department of Pediatrics in the School of Medicine since 2009, I have been an active contributor to the activities of the department both in my clinical duties, as the medical director of the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), in education of medical students and residents that rotate through the PICU, and in training ACGME PICU fellows, and in research primarily in the areas of quality improvement, and recently in evaluating the impact of coping strategies to prevent burnout in staff that care for critically ill children.

Candidate Statement

As an Associate CMO for UNC Hospitals, I have an unique perspective to understand the issues, challenges, and barriers that exist for every department within the School of Medicine. Through this position I regularly interact with leaders and faculty across SOM departments, which provides me an opportunity to gain insights from a variety of opinions and viewpoints. I also regularly work with SOM leadership in issues that cross over from hospital to university, particularly as a member of the Professionalism Executive Committee, which is a joint committee with representation from both the medical center and university. I seek to better my own understanding of university issues to both represent the faculty I lead as well as serve the broader faculty community within the university. I thank you for your consideration.