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2022 Faculty Election

David Ansong

Running for: Division 11. Social Work
  • Associate Professor
  • Social Work
  • Appointed: 2013
  • Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis, 2013
UNC Service

I served on the Faculty Council from 2017 to 2019. I currently serve on the Graduate School’s Weiss Urban Livability Faculty Board.

Candidate Statement

I am running for this position because of my interest in issues affecting faculty and how these issues impact research and teaching at the University. Participating in the Faculty Council is an opportunity to become abreast with events at the University and communicate that to the faculty at the School of Social Work. I hope to be the liaison between the School of Social Work faculty and the Faculty Council to ensure that information is shared with the School of Social Work and Faculty Council and vice versa. My previous participation in the Faculty Council allowed me to engage at the university level and bring my voice to issues that affect faculty at the University. I have a good understanding of the policies and procedures that guide the work of the Faculty Council and will therefore have no difficulty transitioning into this role.