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Faculty Governance News

vol. 5.5

February 4, 2011

From the UNC Office of Faculty Governance
200-204 Carr Building
UNC-CH Campus Box 9170
Contact:  Anne M. Whisnant (

Faculty Governance interest survey invites responses!  Deadline, Sunday, February 6th at midnight

The annual survey inviting expressions of interest in serving on campus-wide standing committees of the faculty and the Faculty Council is now open!  Please take five minutes to respond by clicking the following link:  2011 Faculty Governance Interest Survey.  This year we’re also looking for names of faculty members who might make good candidates for Chair of the Faculty.  The deadline to respond is midnight, this Sunday, February 6th.

Responding to the survey doesn’t commit you to anything, but the Faculty Nominating Committee and Chancellor’s Advisory Committee, who will assemble this year’s slate of candidates for the faculty elections (held in April), will appreciate having your responses to help them with their work.  The Nominating Committee will begin discussing the ballot at their first meeting on February 14th.  Anyone actually nominated for an office will be contacted with a specific invitation before being put on the ballot.

Faculty Committee on the Status of Women holds listening forum, February 7th; RSVP requested

The standing faculty Committee on the Status of Women invites you to an upcoming listening session this Monday, February 7th; please read the message below from committee chair Professor Amy Herring (Biostatistics):

Are you a faculty member at UNC who is concerned about issues of equity for women and their families? Do you have opinions about child care, salary, retirement, recruitment & retention, promotion, women in leadership, supports and other intangibles?

If you’d like to share, here’s your chance. The UNC Committee on the Status of Women is interested in obtaining feedback from all faculty members regarding ways in which the University can help with issues of particular interest to women and families. A drop-in session is scheduled for Monday, February 7, from 2:30-4:30 in the Anne Queen Faculty Commons Room at the Campus Y, during which committee members will be available to collect feedback and suggestions. Your input will be used to set the committee’s agenda and to inform the design of a future survey of all faculty members. Coffee and tea will be provided.

If you know you will attend, please RSVP to to help us get a head count, but drop-ins are welcome as well! Faculty members who cannot attend the forum are encouraged to provide written feedback or schedule a later interview by e-mailing

Faculty Council discusses IT changes and security issues at January meeting; much IT security information available online

At its January 14th meeting, the Faculty Council heard a presentation from Larry Conrad, Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and CIO, and Stan Waddell, Information Security Executive Director and Information Security Officer, about the flurry of recent changes in various campus IT systems and the ever-growing need for vigilance in protecting sensitive electronic data.  The text of the presentation may be read online at the Faculty Governance website, along with a set of questions from Faculty Council members for which ITS provided written answers.

Additionally, ITS maintains a helpful page of information summarizing key IT security policies and including easy-to-read bulleted lists outlining:

  • What every computer user at Carolina must know,
  • What deans, directors, department heads, principal investigators and security liaisons must know, and
  • What IT personnel must know.

New draft of academic plan, “Reach Carolina,” now online at provost’s website

A newly revised version of the evolving academic plan, “Reach Carolina,” is now online at the provost’s office website.  Take a look:

Online submissions now available for behavioral IRB studies

Andy Johns, the Director of the Office of Research Information Systems, and Daniel Nelson, the Director of the Office of Human Research Ethics have recently announced that the campus Institutional Review Boards (IRBSs) are now accepting online applications for review of human subjects research protocols.  They are implementing the new system in a phased approach with some departments coming online sooner than others.  Training in the new system is also being provided.  Check out the information at the links below:

Center for Faculty Excellence offering faculty leadership seminars

The Center for Faculty Excellence is offering a series of luncheon workshops in February to help faculty leaders gain knowledge and exchange ideas of how to cope with the current campus climate of anxiety over impending cutbacks and other changes.  Speakers for the series include Jonathan Howes, who led one of the state’s largest agencies through a time of crisis and cutbacks; Terry Barnett, an internationally recognized teacher of negotiations skills; and Mabel Miguel, a UNC business school professor who has helped leaders of large and small organizations develop more resilient leadership styles.   An additional workshop on conflict resolution is planned for March 25. Details of that program will be provided next month.  To register for any of the programs listed, go to  Questions? Contact the CFE Leadership Coordinator, David Kiel, at 962-9972 or

Carolina’s Faculty-Staff Recreation Association (“The Farm”) invites members, highlights summer camps

Prof. Steve Reznick (Psychology) also serves as President of the UNC Faculty-Staff Recreation Association, whose recreational complex off highway 54 is known as “The Farm.”  Reznick recently sent the following message to the campus:  “The Farm provides valuable recreational opportunities at a reasonable cost. Given the demise of OHR’s Carolina Kids Camp, our excellent summer camp for children aged 4-12 has become an ideal alternative.  Add in our: mini-camps on teacher workdays and holidays; tennis courts, lessons, and leagues; swimming and diving facilities and programs;  disk golf course, playground, volleyball court, softball field,  fitness room, yoga classes, rentable Lodge and Picnic Shelter, various recreational events, etc., and the Farm is definitely worth checking out.  See us at , or call 962-FARM to schedule a tour.  The Farm’s mission is to meet faculty/staff recreational and social needs; contribute to faculty/staff well-being, satisfaction, and effectiveness; and help enhance the attractiveness of employment at Carolina.  Join the Farm, and you can harvest all of these benefits.”

Campus Y students invite faculty members to discuss issues over “Three Cups of Tea”

We have been asked to share the following announcement on behalf of the students of the Campus Y :

Over ten major student organizations wishing to promote community dialogue between students, faculty, staff, and others invite faculty to twice-monthly teas they are hosting this semester.  The teas are free-flowing discussions prompted by four short presentations on a variety of topics from diverse perspectives.  Many of the talks this month relate to the media and the situation in Egypt.  Everybody is welcome, and we would very much like you to attend, for simply 10 minutes or even the whole time.

Where: The Campus Y Faculty Commons

When: Friday, February 11th from 10am-12pm

Contact Matt Waters,, for additional information.

Faculty grant and award deadlines:

  • Urban & Regional Studies (CURS) Scholar-in-Residence Opportunity
    Monday, February 14, 2011 at 5:00pm
    Scholar-in-Residence Program provides an opportunity for faculty members in the College of Arts and Sciences to concentrate on developing major research proposals by providing funds for a course buyout and for proposal development expenses. Details at
  • Ueltschi Service-Learning Course Development Grants
    Deadline: Friday, February 18, 2011
    Five $8,000 course development grants and three $1,500 service-learning mini-grants for instructors to develop courses connecting community-based service into the curriculum and to promote the pedagogy of service-learning at UNC. Details at
  • The University Research Council (URC) – Small Internal Grant Program
    Deadline:  Monday, February 21, 2011 5:00pm
    Supports the scientific, scholarly or artistic efforts of faculty. May be used for costs such as collecting pilot data, research-related travel, research equipment or supplies, or the costs of smaller scale projects.  Publication grants help pay the costs of publishing scientific, scholarly or artistic work.   The maximum award is $5,000.  Details at
  • The Carolina Women’s Center (CWC) 2011 Women’s Advocacy Awards
    Deadline: Friday, March 4, 2011 at 5:00pm
    Recognizes faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars or students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who have made a substantial contribution to the climate for gender equity on campus as a result of their leadership in advocating for women. Please send your nomination to Dr. Donna M. Bickford, Director, Carolina Women’s Center, CB #3302, or via e-mail at, or drop it off at the CWC at 215 W. Cameron Avenue.
  • Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prizes for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement by Young Faculty
    Deadline: Friday, March 11, 2011
    Recognizes scholarly and artistic achievement by junior tenure-track, or recently tenured, members of the faculty.  Four recipients will receive a $5,000 award.  Assistant professors in their third or fourth years who have been recommended for reappointment for a second term, any second term assistant professor, and any associate professor who will not have been in rank as an associate professor for longer than three years at the end of this academic year are eligible.  Details at

Faculty coffee hours at the Faculty Commons at the Campus Y:  9:00-11:00 a.m. daily!

The Office of Faculty Governance reminds you of the free coffee we make available each weekday for faculty and their guests at the Anne Queen Faculty Commons at the Campus Y.  The coffee hours run from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.  The Faculty Commons is a beautifully renovated space where faculty and their guests can gather for impromptu get-togethers or conversations.  The room is kept unscheduled each day until 1:30 p.m., but faculty groups can reserve the room for faculty-oriented programs in the afternoons.  Please contact Katie Turner in the Office of Faculty Governance (962-2146) for more details or check out the room regulations and reservation form online.

Faculty Governance welcomes new administrative assistant, Katie Turner

The Office of Faculty Governance is delighted to announce the arrival of our new Executive Assistant, Katie Turner.  Katie recently relocated to Chapel Hill from Naples, Florida. She holds a master’s in Women’s Studies and certificate in Gender in International Development from the University of Florida and a B.A. in Political Science from Stetson University.  She has worked in an administrative capacity with several nonprofit organizations and is excited to join the Office of Faculty Governance as we launch headlong into election season. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, spinning, live music, weightlifting and hiking. Katie will be the first point of contact for our office and looks forward to getting to know the campus and the faculty.  Call her at 919-962-2146 or email

About Faculty Governance News

The Faculty Governance News is published approximately every two weeks throughout the academic year, and approximately monthly during the summer, by the Office of Faculty Governance.  Archived issues and the publication schedule for 2010-11 are online here.  Information to be considered for inclusion should be sent to Anne Whisnant ( on Monday before an issue is scheduled to appear.