November 20, 2008
Faculty Governance News
vol. 3.7
November 20, 2008
From the UNC Office of Faculty Governance
200-204 Carr Building
UNC-CH Campus
Contact: Anne M. Whisnant (
Nominees sought for 2010 Honorary Degrees; deadline is January 16, 2009
Now is the time to nominate people who might receive an honorary degree at commencement in the spring of 2010. The award of an honorary degree recognizes people who have rendered outstanding service to humanity in the world arena, in our nation, in the American South, or in our State of North Carolina; people who have made outstanding contributions to knowledge in the world of scholarship; people whose talent and creativity in the world of the arts has enriched our lives; and people whose devotion to and support of our University merits our highest recognition.
Association of Women Faculty and Professionals sponsors panel discussion on “Caring for Aging Family Members,” Friday November 21st
The UNC Association of Women Faculty and Professionals invites the university community to its fall program, “Caring for Aging Family Members: A Panel Discussion.” This event will be held Friday, November 21, 2008, from 2:30 – 4:00 the Pleasants Family Room in Wilson Library. No advance registration is necessary.
The program will feature several community- and university-based professionals who will help participants think about planning for and caring for aging parents or other aging relatives, a responsibility that often falls disproportionately upon women. Panelists will offer practical advice on strategies, resources, and services. They will consider a continuum of issues from preventing functional decline, assisting with relatives’ medical needs, and overcoming impediments to intergenerational communication to identifying resources in the community, planning for in-home care or long-term care (assisted living, nursing home), and undertaking advocacy.
Panelists will be:
- Kate Barrett, MSW, LCSW, Director, Transitions Program, Orange County Dept on Aging
- Sue Coppola, MS, OTR/L, BCG Associate Professor, UNC Division of Occupational Science
- Laura Hanson, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, UNC Division of Geriatric Medicine
- Jill Passmore, Region J Lead Long Term Care Ombudsman, Triangle J Area Agency on Aging
Click here to learn more about the Association of Women Faculty and Professionals.
Bull’s Head bookstore offers discounts for faculty on November 21st
The Bull’s Head bookstore (located in Student Stores near the Pit in the center of campus) is offering 25% off all Bull’s Head Bookshop merchandise for all UNC Faculty on Friday, Nov. 21st .
Informal informational panel on “Procedures Pertaining to Tenure” to be held December 12th
The Black Faculty/Staff Caucus and the Center for Faculty Excellence will sponsor a panel discussion on the tenure process December 12, 2008 from 12:00 noon to 1:15 p.m. in the Anne Queen Faculty Commons Room of the Campus Y. The panel discussion is open to all faculty and staff. No registration is required. Bring a lunch and dessert will be provided.
- Provost Bernadette Gray-Little
- Dr. Tom Clegg, former chair of the University APT committee
- Dr. Ruth Walden, current chair of the University APT committee
For more information, please contact BFSC chair, Dr. Cookie Newsom at 962-6962.
Faculty members develop web page detailing family friendly benefits available to UNC faculty
Faculty members Jane Hawkins (Mathematics) and Laurie McNeil (Physics) have compiled a list of “family friendly” benefits available to UNC faculty. The information is available online here.
Chancellor’s blog discusses “Carolina North: A Glass Half-Full Perspective”
Chancellor Holden Thorp outlines his thoughts about Carolina North, the closure of the Horace Williams Airport, and future options for the UNC MedAir and AHEC programs in a new blog entry.
Blackboard course deletions
As part of the yearly maintenance of the UNC-Chapel Hill Blackboard system, ITS deletes old courses. To see if one of your old courses is scheduled for deletion, please log into . The deadline to request an exemption to the scheduled deletion is 12/14/08. For more details, please see
Faculty Governance Reading Room
Articles, books, or other resources of interest to faculty. This week’s selections:
- Special issue devoted to “Faculty at the Margins”, New Directions in Higher Education 2008, Issue 143 (Autumn (Fall) 2008) (access is free from the campus network or through ONYEN authentication through the libraries). Includes several articles on non-tenure-track and part-time faculty, as well as women faculty in male-dominated fields, and recruitment and mentoring of faculty of color.
- “Creating a Culture of Respect”. Treating staff members as fellow professionals means making sure they are full participants in department life. (Chronicle of Higher Education, 12 November 2008; access is free on the campus network).
About Faculty Governance News
The Faculty Governance News is published every two weeks throughoutthe academic year by the Office of Faculty Governance. Archived issues and the publication schedule for 2008-09 are available online here. Information to be considered for inclusion should be sent to Anne Whisnant ( by Monday before an issue is scheduled to appear.
For more information on any of these items, please contact Anne Whisnant in the Office of Faculty Governance.