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Faculty Governance News

Vol. 2.5

November 7, 2007

From the UNC-Chapel Hill Office of Faculty Governance
200-204 Carr Building
CB# 9170
UNC Campus
Contact:  Anne M. Whisnant (

Faculty Council meeting Friday November 9th features discussion on new directions in research at Carolina and introduction of a proposed policy for priority registration

The Faculty Council will meet this Friday, November 9th, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Hitchcock Multipurpose Room of the Sonja Haynes Stone Center.  All faculty are invited to attend. 

Items on the agenda include remarks from the chancellor and provost, the reports of several faculty committees, consideration of several proposals put forward by the Committee on Student Conduct, an introduction to a proposal for a policy on priority registration, and a panel discussion on how Carolina can achieve the Chancellor’s goal of dramatically increased outside funding for research in the next decade. 

You’ll find the full Council agenda, along with many supporting documents, here.

Minutes from the October 5th Faculty Council meeting are now online

The minutes from the October 5th Faculty Council meeting are now online here.

Nominees sought for 2009 Honorary Degrees; deadline is January 18th

Now is the time to nominate people who might receive an honorary degree at commencement in the spring of 2009.  The award of an honorary degree recognizes people who have rendered outstanding service to humanity in the world arena, in our nation, in the American South, or our State of North Carolina; people who have made outstanding contributions to knowledge in the world of scholarship; people whose talent and creativity in the world of the arts has enriched our lives; and people whose devotion to and support of our University merits our highest recognition.

Full information on how to make a nomination, along with a list of past recipients, is here.

Nominees sought for 2008 O. Max Gardner award; deadline is January 9th

The Chancellor has issued a call for nominees for the 2008 O. Max Gardner award, a UNC system-wide award to the system faculty member who, in the current scholastic year, “has made the greatest contribution to the welfare of the human race.”

Complete information on how to make a nomination for this award, along with a list of past recipients, is here.

Faculty Governance Reading Room: Articles, books, links, or other resources of interest to faculty

  • ‘Fundamentally Inconsistent’ With University Values
    A faculty committee at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign questions an agreement to establish the privately-funded “Academy on Capitalism and Limited Government Fund” at the university, saying provisions of the agreement are “fundamentally inconsistent” with university values that are designed to ensure a diversity of views.