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Meeting of the Faculty Council

Friday, March 22nd, 2002, 3:00 p.m.

Note Special Location: Main Auditorium in the Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building (School of Social Work)

Chancellor James Moeser and Professor Sue Estroff, Chair of the Faculty, will preside.


3:00 Call to Order. The Secretary of the Faculty.

DISC 3:00 Chancellor’s Remarks and Question Time.

  • Chancellor James Moeser invites questions or comments on any topic.

DISC 3:15 Remarks by the Provost.

  • Provost Robert Shelton.

DISC 3:25 Remarks by the Chair of the Faculty.

  • Professor Sue Estroff invites questions or comments on any topic.

INFO 3:40 Annual Report of the Faculty Assembly Delegation.

  • Professor Barbara Moran.

INFO 3:45 Annual Report of the Faculty Welfare Committee.

  • Professor Douglas Elvers, Chair.

ACT 3:50 Closed Session: Honorary Degree Nominations for 2003.

  • Professor Joseph Ferrell, Secretary of the Faculty.

INFO 4:00 Annual Report of the Status of Women Committee.

  • Professor Jean Goeppinger, Chair.

INFO 4:10 Annual Report of the Administrative Board of the Library.

  • Professor Richard Pfaff, Chair.

INFO 4:20 Annual Report of the Educational Policy Committee.

  • Professor Randall Hendrick, Chair.

ACT 4:25 Resolution 2002-4 on Unfunded and Underfunded Enrollment Increases.

  • Presented by the Educational Policy Committee.

DISC 4:35 Open Discussion of Topics Raised by Faculty Members.

INFO 4:50 Annual Report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee.

  • Professor David Godschalk, Chair.

INFO 4:55 Annual Report of the Faculty Information Technology Advisory Committee.

  • Professor Bill Balthrop, Chair.

ACT 5:00 Adjourn.


Joseph S. Ferrell
Secretary of the Faculty


ACT = Action
DISC = Discussion
INFO = Information



Present (48): Admiora, Bollen, Bouldin, Bowen, Bynum, Cairns, Chenault, Colindres, Cotton, Crawford-Brown, Daye, Drake, Elvers, Files, Fowler, Janda, Kagarise, Ketch, Langbauer, LeFebvre, Malizia, McCormick, McGraw, Meece, Metzguer, Orthner, Owen, Panter, Pfaff, Pisano, Raab-Traub, Raasch, Rao, Reinert, Retsch-Bogart, Robinson, Rowan, Schauer, Shea, J. Smith, W. Smith, Straughan, Tauchen, Tresolini, Tulloch, Vaughn, Wallace, Waters.

Excused absences (36): Adler, Allison, Barbour, Boxill, Bromberg, Carelli, Clegg, D’Cruz, Elter, Fishell, Foley, George, Gilland, Granger, Henry, Kalleberg, Kessler, Kjervik, Kopp, Kupper, Lubker, Meyer, A. Molina, P. Molina, Moran, Nelson, Nonini, Otey, Poole, Sigurdsson, Slatt, Sueta, Walsh, Watson, Williams, Yopp.

Unexcused absences (3): McQueen, Sams, Strauss.

Chancellor’s Remarks

Chancellor James Moeser called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m.

State Budget.

The Chancellor said that he and the other chancellors in the UNC System had received a direct communication from Governor Easley indicating that he wants to protect classroom instruction as necessary cuts in the State budget are made. While he hopes that the governor will be able to make good on that resolve, the chancellor is advising vice chancellors and deans to expect cuts in some amount. Although hard information is not available at this time, it will be difficult to make cuts at any level that do not impact instruction.

The most critical budget issue facing us will be an attempt to capture funds the University receives from the federal government to cover the uncompensated costs of research carried out by the faculty, known as “facilities and administrative costs” (F&A). (The State has traditionally characterized this reimbursement as “overhead receipts.”) These costs are awarded as part of each federally-funded grant and are validated by an annual federal audit. This money is absolutely vital to the research mission of the University. The recent growth we have seen in Carolina’s research is directly due to reinvestment of these funds. Only since 1998 has Carolina been permitted by the legislature to keep 100% of those reimbursements. A line graph of the growth of research shows a sharp upward trend beginning in 1998-99 when we began to reinvest the full recovery of F&A receipts back into the infrastructure that supports research. Of the University’s employee force, 846 people in 42 counties around the State are paid in whole or in part from F&A receipts. Much of the University’s public service is supported by the funds—for example, breast cancer screening for all of Eastern North Carolina, oral health for pregnant women, and research in psychology concerning learning and memory ability of pre-school children. National Institutes of Health funding at Carolina rose 14% in 2001. Our faculty generated $237 million in NIH funding last year, up from $207 million in 2000. This places us 12th among American public and private research universities in NIH funding. We have moved up one place in the rankings in each of the past five years. The rankings demonstrate that growth is not due simply from increased Congressional support for NIH; we have gained steadily in comparison to our peer institutions. UNC ranks 20thin the nation among science and engineering universities as determined by the National Science Foundation. (We have now displaced Duke University in the top 20 even though we do not have a School of Engineering as they do.) Carolina is the South’s top public university in this category. Any move to capture F&A receipts would cause research at Carolina to stagnate. That in turn would affect our ability to be the economic engine that helps drive North Carolina’s economy.

The chancellor concluded by citing examples dependent on F&A receipts:

    • F&A receipts are instrumental in leveraging multiple sources of funding for capital projects (the higher education bond issue funded only half of the capital needs identified on this campus);
    • Research equipment in new facilities, none of which is funded by bond proceeds;
    • Start-up costs for new faculty;
    • Cost of compliance with State and federal research regulations;
    • Summer research fellowships for undergraduates; and
    • Library resources and facilities, especially acquisitions and serial subscriptions.


Chancellor Moeser noted that the recent 12% increase in non-resident tuition approved by the Board of Governors would have a negative impact on four graduate and professional degree programs that have recently been approved for special tuition increases. They are the M.B.A., D.D.S., M.D., and D.Pharm. programs. A 12% non-resident tuition increase in these programs would place them at non-competitive levels. He intends to ask the Board of Governors to reduce increases in these programs to a dollar figure equal to the increase in resident tuition.


Chancellor Moeser congratulated Prof. Jane Brown, who recently received the Cornelia Phillips Spencer Bell Award.

Referring to F&A receipts, Prof. Nancy Raab-Traub (Microbiology) said the faculty have no voice in how this money is spent either on the campus level or within their departments. She cited as an example computer services, which are now being charged directly to one’s grant. This type of service should be included in indirect costs, she said. She urged faculty involvement in decisions of this kind. The Chancellor said he would be happy to have that conversation.

Prof. Steven Bachenheimer (Microbiology) noted two trends: increased reliance on faculty to capture salary and research funding and increased reliance on fixed-term faculty. Are we tending toward two tracks of faculty—those who teach and those who find the money? He wondered what this bodes for the future. Many of our senior faculty will be retiring soon. We will need to replace them with faculty who will continue to attract research grants. If they are predominately fixed-term appointments, what are the implications for the University? The Chancellor responded that this is indeed a matter for concern. We do need to keep our eye on the ratio of fixed-term appointments to tenure-rack appointments. Fixed-term faculty are increasingly relied upon in situations where there is instability in budgets.

Prof. Dennis Orthner (School of Social Work) suggested that the University would benefit by placing F&A receipts in a foundation, as does the University of Georgia.

Provost’s Remarks


Provost Robert Shelton reported that he has asked the deans and vice chancellors to prepare their budgets for the coming year under several alternative scenarios in which State appropriations are reduced by various percentages. Their responses were due in his office by April 3. He is meeting with each of these individuals to go over the material that they submit, after which the proposed budget draft will be reviewed by the University Priorities and Budget Advisory Committee, the Dean’s Council and the Council of Vice Chancellors. He said he was optimistic about the process, although he was pessimistic about the financial situation in the State.

Provost Shelton said the Academic Plan Task Force had met twice and would be posting their progress on the website.

Academic Calendar.

The Provost said the calendar is being modified to bring it into alignment with peer institutions nationally and locally. Some changes will be made for the upcoming academic year. By 2003-2004 the changes should be fully implemented. He congratulated the faculty for working so hard to bring the changes about.

Chancellor Moeser thanked Vice President Gretchen Bataille for her efforts in this regard.

Chair of the Faculty’s Remarks

Chair of the Faculty Sue Estroff added her congratulations to Prof. Brown for receiving the Cornelia Phillips Spencer Bell Award. She noted that Mrs. Spencer’s views on race had been called into question recently. Prof. Estroff expressed admiration for Prof. Brown’s honesty in dealing with the issue.

Prof. Estroff:

  • Congratulated the Women’s Basketball Team for their progress in the NCAA tournament;
  • Introduced Branson Page, newly elected President of the Graduate and Professional Student Association, who will be address the Council at the September meeting;
  • Urged the faculty to attend Commencement on May 19;
  • Urged faculty to vote in the upcoming faculty elections;
  • Reported that Chancellor Marye Anne Fox of North Carolina State University will address the Council at the April meeting;
  • Reported that the Employee Forum has expressed general support for a parking permit fee system that varies rates according to salary tiers; and
  • Noted that the Office of the President just completed a report on fixed-term faculty.

Prof. Estroff called for meaningful involvement of the faculty in budget decision-making. Reductions in the budget will be more palatable if the faculty has the chance to be part of decisions as they are being made and will be more supportive if it is part of the process. Prof. Estroff said the same will be true in the efforts to retain 100% of our F&A receipts. The Educational Policy Committee will present later in this meeting a resolution on funding of enrollment increases. This will be the faculty’s chance to make clear to the legislature and the Board of Governors our views on this important issue.

Annual Report of the Faculty Assembly Delegation

The report was received. Prof. Estroff thanked the delegation for their work in securing passage by the Assembly of a resolution urging “home rule” in the matter of the academic calendar.

Annual Report of the Faculty Welfare Committee

The report was received without question or comment.

Closed Session: Honorary Degree Nominations for 2003

The Faculty Council went into to closed session to consider the award of honorary degrees at Commencement 2003. Upon completion of this item of business, the Council returned to open session.

Annual Report of the Status of Women Committee

Prof. Jean Goeppinger (Nursing) presented the report. She expressed the committee’s thanks to Dr. Lynn Williford, Director of the Office of Institutional Research, for assistance in developing and analyzing the data that is included in the report.

Prof. Estroff asked how close the committee is to getting useful data in its study of gender equity in salaries. Dr. Williford replied that it will be a lengthy analysis. A number of variables are being considered and the analysis is being done school by school. Prof. Donna LeFebvre (Political Science) asked if the committee had discussed reports that the Women’s Center might be moved off campus. Provost Shelton said that this was news to him, and he had no such intent. Prof. Raab-Traub asked if the committee plans to study gender equity with respect to matters such as start-up packages for new faculty, promotion to full professor, and award of chaired professorships. Prof. Goeppinger said the committee has not yet progressed to those issues. The first step is to focus on salary equity.

Annual Report of the Administrative Board of the Library.

Prof. Richard Pfaff, Chair of the Board, presented the report. He said that two of the areas which are particularly pressing are the materials budget and the unwelcome prospect of any cuts to it, and salaries for librarians. The latest available salary figures are for 1999-2000, but the rankings for this year are unlikely to improve due to erosion of funding. In 1999-200, our library just barely claimed 17th place in the ratings of major research libraries. We expect to maintain that standing, but it would not be surprising if anticipated budget difficulties in upcoming years were to have a negative impact on the Library’s national standing. The heart of the matter is that the Library is as integral to the well-being as it is to the stature of the University. The Library is far more than an important part of the infrastructure of the University; it is the central articulation of the college’s intellectual quest.

Prof. Bachenheimer asked if there was a formula that would guarantee that, as our research base broadens, the acquisition budget will keep pace.

Assoc. Provost Joe Hewitt said F&A funding for continuing acquisitions is stable. So far we have avoided large-scale journal cancellations. Journals will have to be cut for next year, and licensing written as much as three years ago will be coming up for renegotiation this year. Budget cuts could be devastating. Prof. Bachenheimer said the University could not be successful without an adequate library budget. He urged the chancellor and provost to look at this matter carefully.

Prof. Estroff asked what the Committee’s response was to nighttime parking at the Library. Prof. Hewitt said the Library has 24-hour service. The staff who work at night can park in the loading dock area, but they don’t feel they should have to pay for parking. They are low-paid employees and parking fees would be a hardship. Prof. Estroff said she also has concern for students. Prof. Hewitt agreed.

Annual Report of the Educational Policy Committee

Prof. Randall Hendrick (Linguistics), Chair, commented on two matters that had been referred to the committee by the Council and are addressed in the report.

  • University policy encourages the faculty to make reasonable accommodation for students who ask to miss class due to observance of major religious holidays. This policy should also apply to examinations and graded assignments. The committee was unable to improve on the stated policy, but does think it could be publicized better. First, the policy itself should be drawn to the attention of the University community; and second, the University community should be made aware of when religious holidays occur. That could easily be done by including a links to appropriate web sites on the campus calendar.
  • The committee continues to monitor grade compression with the hope of reporting findings at a later date.

Prof. Ferrell noted that normally receipt of a committee report does not constitute approval of all statements therein in the absence of some expression of intent of the body to do so. He asked whether the Council wishes to endorse the Committee’s recommendations with respect to the policy for listing names of graduates in the Commencement program. Without objection, he proposed to indicate the Council’s endorsement of that recommendation in the minutes. There was no objection.

Resolution 2002-4 on Unfunded and Underfunded Enrollment Increases

Presented by the Educational Policy Committee. Prof. Hendrick said that the Educational Policy Committee is gravely concerned at the potential impact of budget cuts on the quality of education at every level. It is that concern that leads the committee to recommend to the Council Resolution 2002-4.

Prof. Ferrell suggested changing the word “increased” to “adequate” in line two of the last paragraph. Prof. James Ketch (Music) mentioned an article in today’s newspaper regarding the same issue at the University of Wisconsin. Prof. Estroff said Prof. Ketch was referring to the decision of the Board of Governors of the University of Wisconsin to freeze enrollment, but she thought the dispute had been resolved with the Wisconsin Legislature. Prof. Bachenheimer asked if there would be similar resolutions from other campuses. Prof. Estroff said some other campuses were looking forward to increasing their enrollment. Chancellor Moeser added that he didn’t think they were looking forward to increased enrollment without the funding to support it. Prof. Pfaff asked if there was a way to commend this Resolution in a friendly fashion by submitting a letter to other faculty chairs at other institutions. Prof. Estroff replied that the best way to do that is to submit a resolution to the Faculty Assembly.

Prof. Ferrell quoted a statement from Governor Easley’s Inaugural Address that called for a guarantee that every citizen of North Carolina would continue to have access to education throughout his or her lifetime. Chancellor Moeser added that the legislative leadership has signaled its intention to provide for enrollment increases in the continuation budget for 2003-04 and future years. Now, the cost of enrollment increases in the University System and the Community College System has to be justified as an expansion budget item. The change would put higher education on the same footing as elementary and secondary education enrollment increases.

Prof. Laurel Files (Health Policy & Administration)
suggested that instead of asking that enrollment increases be slowed or halted, it would be better to ask the Board of Governors to reconsider their enrollment management policy in the light of budget capacity. Prof. William Smith (Mathematics) suggested instead that the word “halt” be substituted with the word “postpone.” His suggestion was accepted.

The Resolution was adopted as amended.

Open Discussion of Topics Raised by Faculty Members

Prof. Etta Pisano (Radiology) said that, as a member of the Status of Women Committee and President of the Association of Professional Women in Medicine, she has submitted a number of questions concerning gender equity to the Chancellor. She favors extending the work of the Committee on the Status of Women to include addressing those issues as well as the matter of salary equity. She also hopes that plans will be put in place to address any inequities that may be identified. Senior Associate Provost Bernadette Gray-Little acknowledged receiving the questions to which Prof. Pisano referred. She said that it was felt best to proceed with a study of salary equity at this point. Some of the other questions require a much broader look at patterns of professional careers on this campus that will take a much longer period of time. These questions need to be addressed in due course.

Prof. Raab-Traub asked about the source of funding for computers that are being provided to some members of the faculty. Provost Shelton said that funding does not come from F&A receipts. Chancellor Moeser noted that inclusion of computers for faculty as part of the Carolina Computing Initiative is available only for faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Prof. Pisano commented on the serious achievement gap that exists between black and white students in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro schools. She said there was a real need for the University to become involved in the solution of this problem.

Annual Report of the Buildings and Grounds Committee

The report was received. Prof. Estroff commended the committee for extraordinarily hard work during a period of unusually heavy activity. Chancellor Moeser added his compliments and thanks as well.

Annual Report of the Faculty Information Technology Advisory Committee

Prof. Bill Balthrop (Communication Studies) said the committee is making progress on the matters addressed by Resolution 2002-7A passed by the Faculty Council last fall. He stressed what the members of FITAC considered to be an important dialogue that began and would continue. Prof. Estroff said that she had seen one of the media books projects done in the English Department. It was breathtaking.


The business of the day having concluded, the Council adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

Joseph S. Ferrell
Secretary of the Faculty


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