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Minutes of the Faculty Council

January 10, 1997


Present (58): J. Anderson, Andrews, L. Bailey, Bangdiwala, Barefoot, Beck, Beckman, Bluestein, Bose, Brice, Brink, Bromberg, Brown, Chambers, Dalton, Danis, Dodds, Eckel, Estroff, Fletcher, Foshee, Fox, Gless, Hattem, Herman, Hodges, Hogue, Howard, Irene, Jackson, Jenkins, Johnstone, LeFebvre, Lentz, Leonard, Loda, Maffly-Kipp, Matson, G. McNeil, Mill, Owen, Pagano, Panter, Passannante, Peacock, Platin, Renner, Rinehart, Salgado, Searles, Shea, Skelly, Strauss, Stidman, Stuck, Tauchen, Tysinger, White, Yankaskas.

Excused absences (17): Bentley, Conover, Crumley, Evens, Farel, Favorov, Frankenberg, Holmgren, Ji, Lachiewicz, Mandel, Mauriello, L. McNeil, Rabinowitz, Rutledge, Shapiro, Williams.

Unexcused absences (9): C. Anderson, A. Bailey, Conley, Crimmins, Pielak, Pike, Rosenman, Weber.

Chancellors Remarks

Chancellor Hooker reported on his recent trip to Thailand for the purpose of attending the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Kenan Institute Asia. The Institute assists in placing MBA students in Thai companies for the first summer of their program. The Chancellor expressed his view that each undergraduate student should have the opportunity for some study or work abroad before graduation. The Kenan Institute Asia is a strong base to build upon in southeast Asia.

The Chancellor next reported on a meeting with Governor Hunt as part of the inaugural weekend. Attending were the Governor, President Spangler, the Chair of the Board of Governors, and the chancellors. He takes it as a good sign that Governor Hunt chose to begin his inaugural weekend with a meeting focused on higher education. Without detracting from the importance of improving K-12 education in North Carolina, the Chancellor believes it is time for the state to redouble its efforts in higher education and he was pleased to hear Governor Hunt echo those sentiments.

The Chancellor regrets that the funding available for faculty leaves is so limited. Obtaining more money for this purpose is among his highest priorities.

Resolution of Appreciation for Anne Barnes

Professor Brown presented a resolution expressing the facultys profound gratitude and best wishes to former state representative Anne Barnes who served eight consecutive terms in the General Assembly, beginning with the 1981 session. The resolution was unanimously adopted.

Remarks by Chair of the Faculty Assembly

Professor Brown introduced Professor Peter Petschauer of Appalachian State University who is the current president of the University of North Carolina Faculty Assembly. Professor Petschauer reported on the status of proposals before the Board of Governors concerning early retirement and post-tenure review.

The proposal to encourage early retirement was objected to by one member of the Board of Governors and has been temporarily postponed.

A draft of principles governing post-tenure review will soon be presented to all faculty senates throughout the UNC System. Professor Petschauer expects the draft to embody several principles: (1) the purpose will be to enhance performance of tenured faculty members by rewarding outstanding performance; (2) a faculty member whose performance is found deficient must provide a clear plan and timetable for improvement; (3) there will be serious sanctions for failure to improve unsatisfactory performance; (4) review will be on an annual basis; (5) review will be by faculty peers; (6) there will be considerable latitude for each institution to work out its own procedures.

Professor Miles Fletcher [History] asked whether the early retirement proposal would apply to faculty with TIAA-CREF. Prof. Petschauer replied that it would.

Professor Richard (Pete) Andrews [Environmental Sciences] noted the steady growth of studies being undertaken by General Administration either on its own initiative or upon direction of the General Assembly and asked whether Professor Petschauer agreed that faculty councils need to be more attentive to and involved in assessing the implications of such studies.

Professor Petschauer observed that it is tempting to oppose studies whose ostensible purpose seems to be at odds with ones own view of higher education, but he has come to recognize that sometimes the legislature sees things that we dont see. It is also true that the Board of Governors doesnt always see things the same way faculties do, but they are our champions in relating to the General Assembly and faculties need to recognize that sometimes they, too, see things that faculties do not see or do not want to see. He cited the issue of post tenure review as an example. This was initiated by the Board of Governors, not the legislature.

Chancellor Hooker observed that every state university in the county is under increasing examination by its legislature. He believes this stems from the Deming Revolution which has been embraced by the business community. To compete effectively in a world economy, we must do everything better, faster, cheaper. It will be much to our benefit if we can get in front of this curve and begin to affect it. The two areas in which the University has the most work to do in this regard are research and graduate study. It is difficult to explain to a legislator why a faculty member should spend half of his or her time doing research. Its not impossible to explain, but it takes time and the explanations must be built on a solid foundation. Similarly, many legislators do not understand why the University spends so much time on our graduate students, half of whom come from out-of-state. He is attempting to explain the benefits of research and graduate study in practical terms.

Professor Petschauer observed that it is not just your chancellor’s job to defend research. It is also your job.

Remarks by Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Vice Chancellor Sue Kitchen reviewed the recent report of the Committee on Greek Affairs concerning deferred rush. Essentially, the committee recommended that rush not be delayed until the spring semester, but that several reforms be put into place for fall rush. These have been agreed to by the Greek organizations and will be implemented. The major recommendations are: (1) all rush events must be free of alcohol, (2) rush will be delayed until two weeks after the beginning of the semester and will be limited to two weeks, (3) rush events must be structured, that is to say, focused on students who are interested in joining a Greek organization rather than large parties attended by everyone; (3) initiation must be completed within eight weeks, and (4) the University will make a concerted effort to increase activities during the first two weeks of the semester that will aid in the socialization of the 80% of the freshman class who are not interested in joining Greek organizations.

Substance Abuse Task Force

Dr. William Jordan, vice-chair of the Board of Trustees, spoke to the Council on the work of the Chancellors Task Force on Substance Abuse of which he is chair. Dr. Jordan noted that the Task Force was instrumental in the decision to delay Greek rush for two weeks. Now, students come to the University from across the state and are suddenly immersed in what seems to a perpetual party for the first several weeks. The University has abdicated to the Greek organizations the initial social experiences that students have. This needs to be changed.

Dr. Jordan also spoke of the need for the University to do a better job of letting entering freshmen know what the University expects of them. North Carolina high school students must work hard for three and a half years to build the kind of record that is needed for admission to UNC. Its a cause for celebration when they are accepted at Chapel Hill. Then, they arrive on campus and the first message they get is PARTY TIME! We havent done a very good job of letting students know that we expect intellectual achievement when they get here. We must promote ourselves as a serious academic institution, which we are.

Dr. Jordan said we also need to let entering students know that there is a tremendous discrepancy between perception and reality as concerns alcohol and drug use among students. Things are not nearly so bad as many believe. For example, 35% of students prefer social events that do not include drugs or alcohol, but only 18% of those who go to social events refrain from alcohol or drugs. So one problem with the misconception is that it seems to be self-fulfilling.

The Task Force is still at work but hopes to have a report soon. Dr. Jordan emphasized that the Task Force is likely to make some fairly specific recommendations, and that it will expect that there will be real consequences for those who break the rules. There must be consequences for naive drinkers, and students with serious drinking or drug problems should be forced into counseling. At some point, continued violations must result in separation from the University.

Dr. Jordan concluded by saying that he thinks the Task Force should be made a permanent body. Im convinced we can change the atmosphere on this campus. Im also convinced that nothing we do will be any good until we do change the atmosphere.

Annual Reports of Standing Committees

Scholarships, Awards, and Students Aid.

Professor James McCoy, Chair, presented the report. Ms. Eleanor Morris [Director of Student Aid] responded to questions. Professor Jane Brown asked about the 45% of the recent tuition increase that was earmarked for student aid. Ms. Morris said that every qualified student received a grant of $400 or the prorated amount based on course load.

Professor Miles Fletcher [History] spoke of the need for a central source of information about prestige scholarships, specifically the Marshall, Rhodes, Luce, Truman, and Beinecke Scholarships. Responsibility for distributing information about and receiving applications for these awards is now scattered among various units. Information about some of them is not sufficiently distributed. He suggested that a central office be established for this purpose and that it be located in Graham Memorial when renovations are complete for the Center for Excellence in Undergraduate Education.

Provost Richard Richardson responded that he has taken action to set up in the Office of the Provost the office that Professor Fletcher is advocating. It will be headed by Anne Repp. There will be a faculty advisory committee.

Professor Sarah Chambers [History] suggested that scholarships that are available for travel abroad might also be coordinated in this office.

Professor Susanna Rinehart [Dramatic Art] emphasized the need to encourage students to apply, even when the student herself thinks she is unlikely to be chosen.

Task Force on Minority Faculty and Student Retention.

Dr. Harold Wallace [Special Assistant/Minority Affairs] and Professor Linda Lacey [City & Regional Planning] presented a draft report from the Task Force on Minority Faculty and Student Retention.

The Provost remarked that one major problem he has been facing is the need to find jobs for spouses. He suggested that the Task Force might want to address this issue.

Professor Carl Bose [Pediatrics] suggested that the Task Force might want to review the function and utility of the affirmative action office.

Professor Bobbi Owen called attention to the increasing numbers of first-generation students from Asia and elsewhere and hoped that some efforts would be directed toward them.

Professor Larry Keith [Medicine] spoke of minority recruitment efforts in the Medical School which have resulted in the second year Medical School class being 20% minority and the first year 19%.

Status of Minorities and the Disadvantaged.

Professor Audreye Johnson [Social Work] presented the report of the Committee on the Status of Minorities and the Disadvantaged. The report included a resolution requesting that the name of the committee be changed to the Committee on Community and Diversity and its charge revised to reflect a new focus for its work.

Professor Johnson moved adoption of the resolution which passed unanimously. The resolution was referred to the Committee on University Government for preparation of an appropriate amendment to the Faculty Code. The full text of the resolution is attached to these minutes.

Bus Tour for New Faculty

Professor Michael R. Smith, Director of the Institute of Government, reported to the Council on a bus tour for new faculty. This has been recommended by the Public Service Roundtable. It will give new faculty an opportunity to see the State of North Carolina and meet its people. Professor Smiths remarks were illustrated by slides.

Old or New Business.

There was no old or new business.


Joseph S. Ferrell

Secretary of the Faculty

Resolutions Adopted January 10, 1997

Resolution 97-1. Appreciation for Anne Craig Barnes

The Faculty Council resolves:

Whereas Anne Craig Barnes was elected to eight consecutive terms in the House of Representatives of the North Carolina General Assembly, beginning with the 1981 session, from a district comprising most of Orange and Chatham counties; and

Whereas Anne Barnes served with distinction as chair of the Committee on Corrections in the 1985 and 1987 sessions and as chair of the Committee on Education in the 1991 and 1993 sessions; and

Whereas Anne Barnes was been consistently ranked by the North Carolina Center for Public Policy as among the most influential members of the General Assembly during her tenure; and

Whereas Anne Barnes represented the people of Orange and Chatham Counties with wisdom, vigor, and effectiveness; and

Whereas Anne Barnes was among the most faithful friends of The University in the General Assembly; now therefore

The faculty of The University expresses its profound gratitude to Anne Craig Barnes for her distinguished career of public service and extends to her its best wishes in her retirement.

Resolution 97-2. Name and Charge of the Committee on the Status of Minorities and the Disadvantaged.

The Faculty Council resolves:

The name of the Committee on the Status of Minorities and the Disadvantaged should be changed to the Committee on Community and Diversity.

The charge of the Committee should be as follows: The Committee on Community and Diversity is responsible for fostering community and promoting pluralism in the university, encouraging social interaction, mutual acceptance, and respect among various groups on campus. The Committee will be especially attentive to matters generated by discrimination on the basis of age, disability, religion, socio-economic status, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation. The Committee is appointed by the Chancellor and will include five faculty nominated by the Chair of the Faculty and two students nominated by the President of Student Government.




Date Action Destination
September 8, 1996 No action Meeting canceled due to adverse weather



Pdf of meeting materials