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Meeting of the Faculty Council

Friday, October 1, 2021, 3:00–5:00 p.m.

The meeting was streamed live and recorded. Watch the proceedings at this link.


3:00 p.m.  Chair of the Faculty’s remarks
                            Professor Mimi Chapman (Social Work)

3:10 p.m.  Introduction to Dr. Leah Cox, Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer

3:15 p.m.  Chancellor’s remarks
                            Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz

3:30 p.m.  Provost’s remarks
                           Provost Robert Blouin

3:45 p.m.  Campus COVID-19 update
                           Professor Amir Barzin (Familty Medicine), Medical Director, UNC Health Virtual Care Services
                           and UNC Health Clinical Contact Center

3:55 p.m.  Update on the Libraries
                           University Librarian Elaine Westbrooks
                           Associate University Librarian for Collections Strategy and Services Nerea Llamas

4:20 p.m.  Athletics-related reports with a discussion of the implementation of “Name, Image and Likeness” in intercollegiate sports
                         Faculty Athletics Representative Lissa Broome (Law) and Faculty Athletics Committee Chair Melissa Geil (Business)
                         Director of Athletics Bubba Cunningham
                         Student-athlete Chris Gray (Men’s Lacrosse)
                         Senior Associate Athletic Director Marielle vanGelder

4:35 p.m.  Safety protocols for athletic events
                          Director of Athletics Bubba Cunningham
                          Professor Amir Barzin (Family Medicine)
                          Associate Athletic Director for Event Management John Brunner
                          Director of Sports Medicine Mario Ciocca
                          Professor Cristy Page (Family Medicine), Executive Dean, UNC School of Medicine

4:50 p.m.  UNC Health update
                          Professor Cristy Page (Family Medicine), Executive Dean, UNC School of Medicine

5:00 p.m.  Adjournment

Video of Proceedings

Watch the full video [Streaming]

Journal of Proceedings of the Faculty Council

The Faculty Council of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill convened on October 1, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. Other faculty and members of the public were able to observe the meeting on a livestream.

The following 82 Faculty Council members attended: D. Aikat, J. Aikat, Anksorus, Becker, Berkoff, Berkowitz, Binz, Boyd, Brownley, Burch, Burke, Chapman (Chair of the Faculty), Charles, Clement, Dewitya, Divaris, Donahue, Entwisle, Estroff, Floyd-Wilson, Frederick, Freeman, Gates-Foster, Gilland, Gold, Goralski, Guskiewicz, Haggis, Halpern, Hannig, Holland, Jeffay, Johnson, Krause, Lain, Larson, Lee, Lensing, Lithgow, Lopez, Ma, Martinez, Mayer-Davis, McNeilly, Mehrotra, Menard, Metcalfe, Meyer, Mock, Moon, Moore, Neal, Nichols, Olson, Padilla, Penton, Pettifor, Plenge, Powell, Rahangdale, Renner, Roberts, Rose, Santacroce, Santos, Sathy, Scarlett, Scarry, Schlobohm, Smith, Triumph, Upshaw, Vaidyanathan, Van Deinse, Vernon-Feagans, von Bernuth, Watson, Williams, Wiltshire, Womack, Young and Zomorodi.

The following 5 members received excused absences: DeHart-Davis, Mohanty, Moracco, Muller and Thornburg.

The following 5 members were absent without excuse: Alexander, Brewster, McEntee, Vision and Worthen.

Others in attendance: Blouin (Provost), Brandt (Graduate Observer), Igollo-Ogele (Undergraduate Observer), Phillips (Undergraduate Observer) and Swamy (Graduate and Professional Student Government President).

Call to Order

Chair of the Faculty Mimi Chapman called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

Chair of the Faculty’s remarks

Chair Chapman welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave her opening remarks [PDF].

Introduction to Dr. Leah Cox, Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer

Vice Provost Cox began working at Carolina over the summer and was invited to attend today’s meeting so the Council could begin to get acquainted with her. She spoke briefly, underscoring how deeply committed she is to the well-being and success of students, faculty and staff at UNC-Chapel Hill. Her charge is to assist, support and monitor all units at the University in their efforts to recruit, retain and support members of historically underrepresented groups. The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is planning to provide leadership, information, consultation, education, training and assistance to all departments. The office will develop a program to train facilitators to assist with dialogues and discussions to take place across campus. As the co-lead of the first strategic initiative of Carolina Next, “Build Our Community Together,” she appreciates the engagement from members of the community and their willingness to help UNC-CH be a more inclusive community.

Chancellor’s remarks

Chancellor Guskiewicz continues to feel optimistic and encouraged by the way this semester is progressing. Many students, parents and faculty have expressed how grateful they are that classes are in-person this fall. He thanked faculty and staff for making this possible during these uncertain times; he is amazed by and appreciative of the resilience of our community.

Chancellor Guskiewicz updated Faculty Council on the University’s response to COVID-19, the University’s national rankings, the current budget process and resources for mental health support for the campus community.

The vaccination rate on campus is high. Over 93% of students, 94% of faculty and 84% of staff have completed the vaccine attestation. In the testing program, the asymptomatic positivity rate is 0.54% and the symptomatic positivity rate is 3.3%. These low numbers are an indication that the safety plans are working and community members are abiding by community standards. The administration will continue to evaluate these plans; any changes will be made in response to data received from the infectious disease and public health experts.

U.S. News and World Report ranked UNC-Chapel Hill fifth among public universities for the 21st consecutive year. The University ranked number 10 for the overall best value and made the top ranking for the best value for public universities for the 17th consecutive year. The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Rankings placed UNC-CH as third among public universities and 33rd overall. These rankings reflect the hard work of our faculty, graduate students and staff who take part in the educational mission.

The administration is watching the State budget process closely. On September 29, the N.C. House and Senate announced they had reached an agreement on a budget and are sharing it with Governor Roy Cooper to continue discussions. Chancellor Guskiewicz worked in tandem with the UNC System to advocate for this campus’s interest. He hopes the budget will include funding for salary increases for University employees and funding to support campus initiatives, such as the Rapidly Emerging Antiviral Drug Development Initiative (READDI), as well as repair and renovations projects.

Many faculty, staff and students are facing mental health challenges; stress and burnout are a reality for many people. The need for mental health services has increased. The therapists and counselors at UNC Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) have nearly doubled the number of counseling appointments this year. Virtual appointments are also available. The Office of Student Affairs is in the process of hiring additional counselors and therapists and working to provide additional programming. The administration provided an additional $155,000 of one-time funding to support UNC CAPS. The chancellor encouraged faculty to show compassion to students and to each other in these challenging times.

October 12 is University Day, which marks the 228th year since the laying of the cornerstone of Old East, the institution’s first building. This year’s celebration will be held in Memorial Hall at 2 p.m. and the theme is resilience. The celebration will highlight the 50th anniversary of the UNC System with System President Peter Hans delivering comments. The O. Max Gardner Award, Edward Kidder Graham Faculty Service Award and Distinguished Alumna and Alumnus Awards will also be presented.

The 2020 Commencement, which was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will be held on October 10 at 1 p.m. in Kenan Stadium; the commencement speaker is former UNC Basketball Coach Roy Williams.

Provost’s remarks

The vaccination and positivity rates on campus are very encouraging. The number of hospitalizations and the number of patients in intensive care are decreasing. Orange County is the most vaccinated county in North Carolina; 80% of the population is fully vaccinated. Provost Blouin encouraged individuals to get their COVID-19 booster shot as soon as they are eligible. Currently, COVID-19 vaccine booster shots are available for Pfizer vaccine recipients who completed their initial series at least 6 months ago and are 65 years and older; or anyone age 18 or above who lives in a long-term care setting, has underlying medical conditions, works in high-risk settings or lives in high-risk settings. This eligibility includes UNC-CH faculty members. Provost Blouin also encouraged members of the community to get a flu shot.

The administration continues to support faculty and students who require international travel. Travel restrictions are still in place. However, students and faculty can go through an exception process; if their travel can be justified after a comprehensive review, they are permitted to travel.

The administration plans to maintain this year’s academic calendar as scheduled. If data suggest that changes need to be made to the calendar, the administration will make any necessary adjustments.

Students are experiencing unprecedented mental health challenges. The administration has worked to create an environment that will be accommodating, but accommodations also need to take place within the classroom setting. Provost Blouin asked faculty to be understanding and compassionate with students as they navigate these challenging times.

Professor Deb Aikat (Journalism and Media) asked if UNC-CH leaders could provide raises to faculty and staff, independent of the N.C. budget.

Chancellor Guskiewicz replied that in the absence of a recurring funding source, the administration cannot guarantee salary increases. They are still in the process of balancing the University budget. If they were to impose a mandate to increase salaries without recurring funding, the structural deficit could increase. As soon as the budget is finalized, they will receive guidelines from the System Office on how to implement an annual raise process.

Professor Chapman said she would include a budget update on an upcoming Faculty Council agenda.

Professor Jan Hannig (Statistics and Operations Research) asked how the administration is relaying to the N.C. Legislature that UNC-CH, as a world-class university, needs investments to operate; and that the needs of a research university are different from other universities. He also asked for an update on the provost search.

Chancellor Guskiewicz said the administration is always advocating the need to keep Carolina a top-ranked public university to the General Assembly and to the Board of Governors. About 16%, or $540 million, of the University’s overall operating expenses, come from the General Assembly. The UNC System is one of the best-funded systems in the country.

Chancellor Guskiewicz said the 17-member search committee is working with Russell Reynolds Associates, an executive search and leadership advisory firm. The applicant pool started at 60 candidates and has been narrowed to 6 finalists, who will be visiting campus soon. This is a confidential search; the search committee and various small stakeholder groups will hold full-day interviews with the finalists over the next few weeks. The goal is to identify and announce the new provost by the second week of November and for that individual to start working in the spring semester.

Professor Mark McNeilly (Business) thanked the UNC-CH leadership team and the University’s health team for enabling students to return to in-person learning and experience campus life, while keeping infections to a minimum.

Campus COVID-19 update

Professor Amir Barzin (Family Medicine) gave a presentation [PDF] on the Carolina Testing Together Program that included weekly testing numbers, vaccination rates and testing information from the Carolina Together Dashboard and also vaccination rates for counties with a UNC-System school.

Professor D. Aikat asked for an update on the current plan for contact tracing.

Professor Barzin said the first step in contact tracing is case investigation. When a positive test is identified, a member of the tracing team ensures the individual with the positive test is safe and not experiencing severe symptoms. Immediate case investigation is the next step, which involves working through the student’s contacts over the 48 hours before the positive test or when symptoms began. The student will be asked about classes, sporting events and any other gatherings attended during that time period.

Professor McNeilly asked if there are metrics that will determine when the campus can return to normal operations without the need for regular testing of community members.

Professor Barzin said there is a high capture rate in the symptomatic testing arena. When a community is highly vaccinated, the need for asymptomatic testing may go down over time. He is pleased with where the numbers are going, and he thinks eventually we will learn to live in an endemic environment where symptomatic testing is accepted. Large-scale asymptomatic testing may not be needed, especially as people receive their booster shots and younger members of the population are vaccinated.

Professor Erica Johnson (Global Studies) asked if he has any predictions about the rate of positivity after Fall Break (October 21-22).

Professor Barzin said he does not expect a huge increase in cases after Fall Break. Testing will be available before Fall Break on October 18-20, and students are encouraged to be tested when they return to campus.

Update on the Libraries

Vice Provost for University Libraries and University Librarian Elaine Westbrooks and Associate University Librarian for Collections Strategy and Services Nerea Llamas gave an update on the Libraries. In the effort to manage the campus budget, the University Libraries have been asked to absorb a cut that will have a serious impact on library collections, and faculty need to be aware. The Libraries serve the entire campus; these unprecedented cuts will affect students, faculty and staff regardless of discipline or department. There will be $2 million in cuts this fiscal year followed by an additional $3 million in cuts the next fiscal year. The only way to reach the target is through large-scale cancellation of journals and databases, and by reducing the number of books and media items purchased. This $5 million budget cut represents approximately 50 percent of the Library’s State materials budget.

The administration of the Libraries has worked throughout the year to find ways to mitigate the impact of these cuts and to create a sustainable budget moving forward. Typically, with cuts of this nature, the Library administration would send out surveys to identify the journals that faculty, staff and students need; unfortunately, they were unable to send such a survey this year. They can no longer purchase any minor and secondary materials in any discipline, and are cutting titles of importance in every area. In the past, they would have time to meet with members of the community, but this was not possible, given the depth and the breadth of the cuts. They reviewed the data from electronic subscriptions to obtain a sense of how much resources are being used by researchers across campus. They also reviewed the terms of publisher licenses and pricing models, and have determined that it is time to cancel many of the packages that are currently straining the budget. The Libraries spend up to $1 million annually on inflation alone. The costs of scholarly journals inflate, and this inflation has increased for decades. It is an unsustainable and unfair system.

Members of the University community will have avenues to gain access to some of the materials they need. The Library administration is obligated to apportion the cuts equitably; they cannot disadvantage one department, discipline or area to support another. Even with significant cuts to the collections, the Library will continue to support research, teaching and clinical work. They have developed tools to connect members of the community to information resources. Through Interlibrary Loan agreements, faculty have access to books and articles from other libraries. The Libraries have expanded their document delivery options, they can order single journal articles and deliver them directly to inboxes, in some cases within a few hours. These are not ideal changes; everyone has to adjust their expectations of which materials will be available and how quickly. Open access is a long-term solution.

Every department and unit has a liaison librarian that is available to answer questions about the availability of specific articles and journals. The Libraries will host virtual discussions on October 19 at 2 p.m. and October 25 at 1 p.m. To register, please visit

Professor Barbara Entwisle (Sociology) said the University Libraries are critical to the mission of scholarship and research at UNC-CH. These cuts will make it difficult to maintain the rankings that Chancellor Guskiewicz detailed. She has taken advantage of the Interlibrary Loan, but when she is putting together a proposal or conducting journal reviews, she needs instant access. The University must think of a way to restore funding to the Libraries to remain competitive with other universities and to retain and attract faculty.

Vice Provost Westbrooks is concerned about the Libraries’ ability to support the research, teaching, learning and clinical mission of the University. The ranking of the Libraries will drop significantly due to the budget cuts and there are concerns about the University’s ranking. The Libraries play a significant role in the rankings of many disciplines.

Professor Joan Krause (Law) said the University would certainly lose skilled librarians because of these cuts. She is concerned about the effects of the goal to mitigate the University budget within two years, during a pandemic and when faculty and staff morale is low.

Professor Jennifer Womack (Allied Health) asked why the Libraries are the target of a cut of this scale and how this compares to other units.

Schools and units across campus are required to make a 7.5% reduction to operating funds and a 1.5% reduction to personnel funds over the next two fiscal years. The administration agreed to restore some of that funding back to the Libraries.

Vice Provost Westbrooks said the Libraries have to cut their budget by $1 million every year due to inflation. At the beginning of this fiscal year, they were in the red by $2 million. They reduced their operating budget by 7.5% and their Facilities and Administrations (F&A) budget was reduced by 60% or $1.2 million. The University administration has provided one-time funds to mitigate the impact of budget cuts, but these funds will not allow the Libraries to keep all of their subscriptions. Until the Libraries has a sustainable budget, this cycle of cutting funds will continue.

Chancellor Guskiewicz said many other universities are struggling with inflation and have canceled subscriptions in an attempt to incentivize journals to stop inflation and make subscriptions more affordable. The administration will continue to support the Libraries.

Vice Provost Westbrooks agreed that this is a higher education problem. The UNC-CH community has a responsibility to work with peer institutions and within the publishing industry to find a solution.

Professor Kate Menard (Obstetrics and Gynecology) described how she provides maternal-fetal medical care in complex pregnancies and relies on immediate access to literature daily to inform her decisions and to teach trainees. The library issue is greater than a higher education one. Lack of access to medical literature affects the quality of healthcare and will diminish the medical staff’s ability to take good care of the community.

Vice Provost Westbrooks said libraries are critical, people rely on them to solve the problems of the world, and to eliminate human suffering through their research. Due to open access and open data, researchers around the world were able to collaborate and create COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. The ability to share data without paywalls made a huge difference in people’s lives and accelerated the treatments to combat COVID-19.

Professor Hannig asked about the structure of the Libraries’ budget, specifically where the Libraries’ funds come from and how the Libraries’ funding structure compares to libraries at peer institutions.

Vice Provost Westbrooks said funding structures vary across institutions.

Provost Blouin said the business model for the Libraries needs to be reevaluated to create a dollar flow that scales to the activity of the Libraries. The administration needs to ensure that a certain percentage of funds, such as F&A funds and enrollment dollars, be directed back to the Libraries. However, even if this model was in place, it would not address inflation, which is between 12-15% a year. He is hopeful that the administration will create a better business model moving forward.

Professor Menard asked if UNC Health helps to fund the Libraries.

Vice Provost Westbrooks replied that UNC Health does help fund the Libraries.

Athletics-related reports with a discussion of the implementation of “Name, Image and Likeness” in intercollegiate sports

The annual reports of the Faculty Athletics Representative [PDF] and the Faculty Athletics Committee [PDF] were accepted by title.

Professor Lissa Broome (Law), our campus’s Faculty Athletics Representative, discussed a significant change in intercollegiate athletics that occurred this summer when student-athletes were granted the ability to be compensated by third parties for use of their “Name, Image, and Likeness” (NIL). When several states began enacting NIL laws for student-athletes, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) proposed “guardrails” that would limit the NIL market for student-athletes. These rules were pulled from consideration when the Department of Justice expressed concerns. The NCAA then sought congressional legislation that would create a federal standard that would preempt the differing state laws, but they were unsuccessful in getting anything enacted by Congress. On June 30, 2021, the NCAA adopted an interim rule stating that student-athletes must follow the state NIL law, as well as any additional requirements that their school may impose. The basic limitations are that no compensation may be based on athletic performance and achievement; in other words, students cannot earn more if they win a championship. Additionally, no compensation can be contingent on enrollment at a particular institution and no compensation can be given for work performed outside their state.

On July 2, 2021, Governor Roy Cooper issued Executive Order 223 allowing student-athletes in North Carolina the ability to earn compensation for the use of their NIL. If student-athletes have an authorized representative helping them with the NIL agreement, the representative must comply with the NC Athlete Agent Act. The executive order also states that an institution may impose additional limits on NIL compensation.

Director of Athletics Bubba Cunningham explained how NIL is implemented at UNC-CH and what restrictions have been put in place. During athletic events, professional pictures are taken, which are then uploaded to a website. Student-athletes are allowed to use their pictures to advertise their games and promote their sport, but if they want to use them for profit or to represent a company, they must obtain permission from the University Licensing Office. The Athletics Department hired companies to help student-athletes with NIL. The company INFLCR (pronounced “Influencer”) provides students with education and training in how to monetize their likeness. The company COMPASS serves as the administrative infrastructure for student-athletes and staff to disclose and monitor NIL deals. The Compliance Office guides student-athletes as they navigate NIL by providing education to them and reviewing their contracts from a compliance standpoint. Over 150 out of 800 of our student-athletes have entered into an excess of 200 different contracts with individual companies to support their NIL activities.

“Question and Answer” with Student-Athlete Chris Gray (Men’s Lacrosse)

Professor Geil: Where are you from and what is your major?

Chris Gray: I am from Long Island, New York. I am a first-year Master of Business Administration student at Kenan-Flagler Business School.

Professor Geil: What kind of NIL activities are UNC-CH student-athletes engaged in?

Chris Gray: It varies by sport; it might be different for high revenue-generating sports, such as basketball or football. Most of the deals I have seen have been with brands associated with athletic spots, such as an equipment provider. Student-athletes also collaborate with brands from their hometowns and local business. There is an opportunity for student-athletes to collaborate with a locally-owned bagel shop.

Professor Geil: How has NIL impacted education?

Chris Gray: NIL has not harmed education; it can add to their daily schedule, but it does not necessarily take a lot of time out of their day. As long as student-athletes are prioritizing their time, they should be fine. I have been able to prioritize my studies and athletics and NIL has been secondary. I feel that NIL has supplemented my education. I have been exposed to many different core business concepts, such as negotiating with the head of a company, advocating for myself, or reading through a contract. This real-world experience will help me post-graduation.

Professor Geil: Are most students navigating NIL on their own, using resources provided by the Department of Athletics, or reaching out to sports agents for assistance?

Chris Gray: Most student-athletes are handling it on their own; this could be different for higher revenue-generating sports. There are opportunities to get an agent, and NIL marketing agencies specifically focused on advocating for student-athletes have become more widespread. The Compliance Office staff has done such an incredible job providing access to resources and ensuring that we are not jeopardizing our eligibility and maximizing NIL.

Professor Geil: Examples of programming being offered include social media training, help with contracts provided by the Law School and financial literacy workshops.

Safety protocols for athletic events

Associate Athletic Director for Event Management John Brunner gave a presentation [PDF] on the safety protocols for fall athletic events.

UNC Health update

Professor Cristy Page (Family Medicine), executive dean of UNC School of Medicine, gave a presentation on the status of UNC Health during COVID-19, including hospital and ICU (Intensive Care Unit) forecasts [PDF]. The UNC Health System experienced an increase in COVID-19 inpatients around the beginning of July, this number accelerated through August and early September because of the Delta variant and slower uptake of the vaccine. The Delta variant makes up 100% of positive cases. The majority of patients in the hospitals, including those in ICU and on ventilators are unvaccinated, which has strained the system tremendously. At some facilities, the number of COVID-19 patients is higher than peak hospitalizations in January. The overwhelming increase in patients, coupled with staffing challenges and morale issues is stressing the hospitals. Staffing constraints have led them to decrease much of their non-emergent surgeries in order to have enough staff capacity. Since the early part of the year, the big change has also been an increase in pediatric patients and a surge in other respiratory illnesses. They are starting to see a gradual reduction in the number of COVID-19 patients, and they are encouraged by it. They project having more than 100 COVID-19 inpatients through December.

Professor Chapman asked Professor Page if the data are referencing the entire UNC Health System.

Professor Page said the data encompass many hospitals. The UNC Medical Center follows a similar trend; there are still a significant number of patients in the hospital and the ICU. Additionally, several patients no longer have COVID-19, but have significant health needs that require ongoing hospitalization.

Professor Chapman asked if the majority of the patients at the UNC Medical Center were from Orange County or other counties.

Professor Page said the UNC Medical Center has 53 patients with active COVID-19 of which 15 are in the ICU, plus an additional 45 patients who had been positive and are still in the hospital. Most of the patients come from the Triangle area, but some are from more remote places. They work hard to be able to accept transfers from other hospitals that are strained.

At this point in the pandemic, the UNC Health teams are tired emotionally and physically. They are frustrated and sometimes angry as they suffer through the continued stress of the pandemic. There is a sense of isolation and a perception that many people seem to feel the pandemic is over, even though the health system is treating a high number of patients. UNC Health committed $300,000 to expand their well-being program.

UNC Health is focused clinically on increasing their monoclonal antibody therapies to treat and prevent severe illness from COVID-19. Clinics are providing these treatments to eligible patients in all the communities that they serve. UNC Health provided more than 8,300 infusions in just a few months; they are reaching these patients quickly because there is a strong impact on patients who receive antibodies within two to three days of the onset of symptoms. This is a life-saving treatment with positive outcomes; only 2% of patients who receive the antibody treatment are admitted to the hospital. The arrival of oral antivirals is also encouraging.

UNC Health is moving vaccination and testing services into primary care clinics. Many members of the community were seeking these services from the emergency department, which was making it difficult to care for emergencies. They are also serving patients through telecommunications. The UNC Health Alliance Team is reaching out to chronically ill patients across the health system to offer support and have reached 8,000 patients over the past few months. They have also launched a program called Advanced Care at Home. Patient care in this program includes treatment and monitoring at home; 24-7 access to a UNC Health care team, available virtually and in-person; an individualized care plan and schedule; and personalized medical supplies and technology delivered to the home.

UNC Health is focused on being a trusted source of information for the public; they use traditional media and social media to ensure the most current and accurate information is reaching the community. Carolina faculty members share the latest knowledge on variants, vaccines and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Professor Page shared some stories of positive interactions that reflect well on the hospitals and the high level of care they provide.

Provost Blouin commented that the majority of COVID-19 patients at the UNC Medical Center are people who do not reside in Orange County and 95% of these patients are unvaccinated. He also added that we have been fortunate to not have had any faculty or students admitted to the hospital [for COVID-19] this fall.


Its business having concluded, the Faculty Council adjourned at 5:11 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kadejah Murray
University Program Associate

Jill Moore
Secretary of the Faculty

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