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Meeting of the Faculty Council

Friday, January 17, 2020, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Kerr Hall, Room 2001
Eshelman School of Pharmacy


3:00 p.m.     Chair of the Faculty’s remarks [PDF]
                            Professor Lloyd Kramer

3:10 p.m.     Chancellor’s remarks
                           Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz
                                   •  Build Our Community Fund
                                   •  Summit on Safety and Belonging

3:30 p.m.     UNC’s Strategic Plan: Carolina Next [PDF] [PPT]
                           Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz and Provost Robert Blouin

4:10 p.m.     Commission on History, Race and a Way Forward
                           Professors James Leloudis (History) and Patricia Parker (Communication), commission co-chairs

4:25 p.m.     Report of the Committee on University Government [PDF]
                           Professor Peter Mucha (Mathematics), committee chair
                                  •  Resolution 2020-1. On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Clarify the
                                          Advisory Committee’s Charge [PDF]

4:35 p.m.     University Ombuds Report
                           Director Dawn Osborne-Adams, University Ombuds

4:55 p.m.     Annual Committee Reports (submitted by title)
                                  •  Report of the Advisory Committee [PDF], Professor Suzanne Gulledge (Education), committee chair
                                  •  Report of the Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure [PDF], Professor Stephen
                                          Crews (Medicine), committee chair

5:00 p.m.     Adjournment


Video of Proceedings

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Journal of Proceedings of the Faculty Council

The Faculty Council of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill convened on January 17, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. in Kerr Hall, Room 2001 at the Eshelman School of Pharmacy.

The following 57 members attended: J. Aikat, Anksorus, Austin, Boon, Burch, Burke, Calikoglu, Chambers, Chavis, Clement, Dewitya, Divaris, Dobelstein, Falvo, Fisher, Fry, Gentzsch, Gilland, Graham, Guskiewicz (Chancellor), Halladay, Halpern, Hannig, Hessick, Ives, Kramer (Chair of the Faculty), Krome-Lukens, A. Levine, C. Levine, Lithgow, Mayer, Mayer-Davis, Meyer, Moon, Moore, Olson, Rahangdale, Ramaswamy, Renner, Roberts, Rudder, Santos, Scarlett, Scarry, Steponaitis (Secretary of the Faculty), B. Thorp, Thorpe, Upshaw, Vaidyanathan, Van Deinse, Vision, Walter, Watson, Willett, Worthen, Young and Zomorodi.

The following 19 members received excused absences: D. Aikat, Beltran, Berkowitz, Brewster, Byerley, Coble, Donahue, Entwisle, Floyd-Wilson, Gates, Foster, Holland, Larson, Lee, McGrath, Mock, Muller, Platts-Mills, J. Thorp and von Bernuth.

The following 12 members were absent without excuse: Bloom, Clegg, Cox, Fromke, Gilchrist, Hobbs, Jeffay, Joyner, Koonce, Kris, Padilla, Powell, J. Williams, M. Williams and Zamboni.

Others in attendance: Peter Andringa (Undergraduate Observer), Provost Bob Blouin, Mallory Garner (Undergraduate Observer) and Karson Nelson (Graduate Observer).

Call to Order
The Chair of the Faculty called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m.

Chair of the Faculty remarks
Chair of the Faculty Lloyd Kramer welcomed everyone meeting. His remarks centered on the announcement of Interim Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz as chancellor of the University, the strategic plan, the Commission on History, Race and a Way Forward, the Silent Sam settlement and faculty morale [PDF].

Chancellor’s Remarks
Chancellor Guskiewicz thanked Professor Kramer for his comments and provided updates on the Silent Sam settlement and on various campus activities. He visited the UNC System Office to express his concerns and the concerns of the faculty regarding the Silent Sam settlement, and he is actively meeting with Interim President Bill Roper. On December 20, 2019, Judge Allen Baddour agreed to examine the specifics of the settlement and the trust agreement. Chancellor Guskiewicz believes there are opportunities for a better outcome and he will continue to be a voice for faculty. The Board of Governors (BOG) has received the letters and resolutions from the campus regarding the settlement.

The Build our Community Fund of $5 million is a part of the strategic plan and is critical to moving the University forward. It will fund the Commission on History, Race and a Way Forward, co-chaired by Professor Jim Leloudis (History) and Professor Pat Parker (Communication). This commission will build on the foundational work done by the History Task Force from 2015 to 2017. The fund will also support the initiative “Reckoning: Race, Memory and Reimagining the Public University” led by Professor Karla Slocum (Anthropology) and the Campus Safety Commission co-chaired by Professor Frank Baumgartner (Political Science). Senior Leadership has received a number of proposals that could be supported by the Build Our Community Fund.

The University is moving forward with hiring administrative officers and faculty members. Becci Menghini, former interim vice chancellor for workforce strategy and engagement, has been named the new vice chancellor for human resources. The new vice chancellor for information technology will be announced soon. The search for the new chief diversity officer and vice provost for equity and inclusion will start in two weeks. A search for two faculty whose scholarship focuses on U.S. slavery will launch in the coming weeks.

Chancellor Guskiewicz gave updates on the BOG meeting held today. The BOG passed a resolution that calls on the N.C. General Assembly to finalize a budget for the fiscal year. The BOG asked boards of trustees at System institutions to pass similar resolutions. The System Office is examining peer institutions in respect to health insurance and optional retirement plans. David Green, chair of the UNC Faculty Assembly, highlighted four System faculty members at today’s BOG meeting, including UNC-CH Professor Molly Worthen (History).

UNC Strategic Plan: Carolina Next
Chancellor Guskiewicz explained the purpose of the strategic plan called Carolina Next: Innovations for Public Good. Provost Blouin gave a presentation [PDF] on the strategic plan, including the organization of the plan, senior leadership and oversight, and next steps. The plans has eight strategic initiatives, which represent the core areas of focus across the mission of the University. Each strategic initiative contains three strategic objectives, which are more specific goals that will steer the University toward a shared vision. Each strategic objective has several strategic opportunities, which can be pursued to bring about change and impact.

Professor Rohit Ramaswamy (Public Health Leadership) said the strategic plan has a top-down design. Some of the initiatives, like Build our Community Together and Promote Democracy, are bottom-up participatory processes. He asked for an explanation on the bottom-up processes of the strategic plan.

Chancellor Guskiewicz said much of the content of the strategic plan emerged from the strategic plans of the professional schools in order to leverage the strengths we have at Carolina, but also to identify ways we can be better. The process has gone in both directions with a lot of the feedback coming from the bottom-up. There are eight team leads, four of them are faculty members and others are staff and members of senior leadership. Many others will be a part of the teams to ensure there is input across campus.

Provost Blouin said over 50 faculty and staff serve as team leads, and will bring their ideas into the strategic plan and share information from the strategic plan with the University community. This plan will be refreshed every six months, which is important because we live in such a rapidly changing time. What we might think of as strategic today might change in two years. University leadership wants to ensure there is enough fluidity in the plan and that the faculty have an opportunity to shape it moving forward.

Professor Nancy Fisher (Microbiology replace Immunology) asked if there is a mechanism by which faculty can provide input into the strategic plan.

Provost Blouin said faculty can reach out to the team captains or leads through email. Once the strategic plan is endorsed by the Board of Trustees (BOT) all the information presented today will be publicly available.

Chancellor Guskiewicz said the team captains will hold focus group meetings that will allow members of the campus community to discuss the initiatives.

Professor Jessica Boon (Religious Studies) said it is difficult to go back to her colleagues and talk about the organization of the strategic plan when she does not know if their needs are included in the plan since the 98 objectives have not been shared.

Provost Blouin said they chose not to share the 98 objectives because it would have been unwieldy, but they will get the information to the campus community soon. Senior leadership wanted everyone to first understand the general concept of plan, then follow with more details.

Professor Jan Hannig (Statistics and Operations Research) said research was at the forefront of the Blueprint for Next. Under the strategic plan research and excellence seem to be buried in the second layer of the plan, even though it is a part of the core mission of the University.

Provost Blouin said there are many areas of the plan that are important. The strategic plan is the mechanism with which they will implement the Blueprint for Next. His hopes are that people will review the Blueprint for Next and see how the University is bolding moving forward with the objectives of the blueprint through the strategic plan.

Chancellor Guskiewicz said that research will be included in multiple initiatives including “Discover,” “Globalize” and “Serve to Benefit Society,” but it may need to be amplified more.

Provost Blouin said they chose to use the term discover because the term research has different meanings to faculty across campus and does not resonate with some faculty. All faculty are committed to discovering, research was not stated as a specific initiative in order to speak to all aspects of discovery across campus.

Professor Larry Chavis (Business), made a powerful statement about his Native American ancestors during the Civil War and the struggles of their descendants over time and in the present.

Chancellor Guskiewicz thanked Professor Chavis for serving on the Commission on History, Race and a Way Forward. A part of the critical work of the commission is learning from our past and contributing to the healing process moving forward.

Commission on History, Race and a Way Forward
Professor Jim Leloudis (History) and Professor Pat Parker (Communication), co-chairs of the commission, presented information on its structure, goals and scope. The commission consists of 15 members. The work of the commission comes at a critical time when the campus community is called to reckon with the histories of how the University was built on the values of white supremacy and how these legacies continue to shape current inequities. Their charge is to focus the commission’s work in three broad areas (1) archival research and the production of new scholarship that is broadly accessible (2) identifying opportunities to embed the work of the commission into the curriculum and also have the curriculum inform the work of the commission (3) community engagement. The guiding principles of the commission are to be open, transparent and collaborative. They will need the engagement of the campus community as they think about the outcomes they are trying to accomplish. Some outcomes include, public forums and policy recommendations.

Professor Anna Krome-Lukens (Public Policy) asked if there is a timeline for the work of the commission.

Professor Leloudis said they have a three-year timeline.

Professor Betsy Olson (Geography) said she is struck by the fact that the History Task Force started its work in 2015 and it is 2020 and their work has not been completed, and it is important that the work of the commission does not get interrupted by other events on campus. She also encouraged the co-chairs to call upon faculty when they are needed.

Chancellor Guskiewicz said the commission will build on the foundational work done by the History Task Force.

Professor Leloudis said the task force did a lot of work, particularly on the curation of McCorkle Place, with a focus on the Unsung Founders Memorial. They were working to create a more contemplative space and to acknowledge the presence of indigenous people. They will bring the work of the task force into the work of the commission. Professor Parker said their work is autonomous.

Report of the Committee on University Government
Professor Peter Mucha (Mathematics), chair of the Committee on University Government presented the annual report [PDF], which proposes a change to the Faculty Code of University Government for the faculty to consider.

Professor Mucha introduced Resolution 2020-1, On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Clarify the Advisory Committee’s Charge [PDF]. This resolution was drafted by the Committee on University Government at the request of, and in close consultation with, the Advisory Committee. It updates and clarifies the Advisory Committee’s charge, but does not significantly alter the committee’s composition or duties.

Secretary of the Faculty Vin Steponaitis stated the question, Resolution 2020-1, and opened the floor for discussion. He also talked about the process for amending Faculty Code including the procedure for passing resolutions of the General Faculty.

Professor Hannig asked why Section 4-5(b) of the Code is being amended to drop the specific reference to trustee policies and procedures governing academic tenure.

Professor Mucha said this change broadens the statement and clarifies that the Committee advises the chancellor on all trustee policies and procedures, including tenure.

Secretary of the Faculty Vin Steponaitis said the language previously highlighted the trustee policies governing academic tenure, the language is broadened to allow the committee to talk about any trustee policy, including tenure.

Jan Hannig asked if this resolution gives the Advisory Committee authority to act as the Nominating Committee.

Secretary of the Faculty Vin Steponaitis said the Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating people for Faculty Council and standing committees of the faculty. The Advisory Committee nominates candidates for faculty officers (chair and secretary of the faculty), advises the chancellor on candidates for other faculty offices (faculty marshal and faculty athletics representative) and handles nominations for the Faculty Executive Committee. The resolution amends section 4-5 of the Code to cross reference the sections that already stipulate the Advisory Committee’s role.

Professor Mucha said Sections 2-10b, 3-1c and 3-2b of the Code describe the nominating duties of the Advisory Committee, but Section 4-5 of the current Code does not describe these duties. This amendment clarifies these roles by adding them to the section of the Code about the Advisory Committee.

Resolution 2020-1, On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Clarify the Advisory Committee’s Charge, passed unanimously with no abstentions on its first reading. The resolution will now be sent to the General Faculty in an email ballot for its section reading. [Note: The amendment was adopted by the General Faculty vote in April.]

University Ombuds Report
Dawn Osborne-Adams, director of the University Ombuds Office, gave a presentation about the work of the Ombuds Office. The office offers an environment that is confidential and informal in which campus members can get an impartial and independent point of view about whatever they are struggling with in their life.  The office serves faculty, staff, students, post-docs and administrators. In past few years, more than 500 people have visited the office with concerns. In the 2018-2019 fiscal year, 25% of visitors were faculty, 45% were staff, 12% were students and 18% were others with Carolina-related concerns. Common concerns of the faculty include interpersonal conflict, navigating departmental organizational politics and navigating their duties as supervisors. They also receive individual faculty concerns around salary, equity, identity and protecting their reputation. The Ombuds Office provides conflict management and mediation skills and approaches. Respondents in formal and informal processes often come to the office to work through their issues.

Chancellor Guskiewicz asked how many of the cases received by the Ombuds Office are centered around trust between two parties.

Ms. Osborne-Adams said many cases deal with distrust and high-level inferences. When you do not trust someone, you interpret their behaviors and actions negatively.

Professor Muge Calikoglu (Pediatric Genetics replace Metabolism) asked for recommendations on how to draw the line between protecting the University at the cost of doing the right thing.

Ms. Osborne-Adams said people often have competing interests and values. Everything that is positive has a negative side and it is important to be aware that there is a balance.

Professor Jacqueline Halladay (Family Medicine) asked if she visits departments to give presentations or trainings.

Ms. Osborne-Adams said she does work with groups and units.

Annual Committee reports (submitted by title)
The Advisory Committee annual report and the Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure annual report were accepted by title. There were no questions for the committee chairs, Suzanne Gulledge (Education) and Stephen Crews (Biochemistry and Biophysics).


Its business having concluded, the Faculty Council adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kadejah Murray
University Program Associate

Vin Steponaitis
Secretary of the Faculty