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Bennie Dale Barker

Professor Emeritus of Dental Ecology; M.Ed., 1962 (Duke University); D.D.S., 1958 (UNC-Chapel Hill); B.S., 1954 (Davidson College). Appointed 1981; Died on January 2, 2020. 

Robert Alonzo Bashford

Professor Emeritus of Medicine; M.D., 1971 (UNC-Chapel Hill); B.S., 1967 (North Carolina State University). Appointed 1991; Died on December 31, 2019.

Mario Cesare Battigelli

Professor Emeritus of Medicine; M.D., 1951 (University of Florence, Italy); M.P.H., 1957 (University of Pittsburgh). Appointed 1965; Died on September 27, 2019.

Lyndin Worth Bolton

Professor Emeritus of Social Work; M.S.W., 1981 (UNC-Chapel Hill); B.S., 1977 (UNC-Wilmington). Appointed 1997; Died on November 16, 2019.

Evelyn Hope Daniel

Professor Emerita of Information and Library Science; Ph.D., 1974 (University of Maryland); M.L.S., 1969 (University of Maryland); A.B., 1968 (UNC-Chapel Hill). Appointed 1985; Died on November 24, 2019.

Raymond Howard Dawson

Professor Emeritus of Political Science; Ph.D., 1958 (UNC-Chapel Hill); M.A., 1951 (Vanderbilt University); B.A., 1949 (College of the Ozarks). Appointed 1958; Died on June 2, 2019.

Sarah Rachel Dedmon

Associate Professor Emerita of Social Work; Ph.D., 1970 (Smith College); M.S.S.W., 1962 (University of Tennessee, Knoxville); B.A., 1959 (Wake Forest University). Appointed 1974; Died on November 29, 2019.

Maeda Jurkowitz Galinsky

Professor Emerita of Social Work; Ph.D., 1963 (University of Michigan); M.S.W., 1961 (University of Michigan); B.A., 1956 (Radcliffe College). Appointed 1965; Died on September 9, 2019.

Thaddeus Zdzislaw Gasinski

Professor Emeritus of Slavic Languages; Ph.D., 1966 (Stanford); M.A., 1962 (Stanford University); B.A., 1965 (Warsaw University, Poland). Appointed 1965; Died on May 28, 2019.

Harvey James Hamrick

Professor Emeritus of Medicine; M.D., 1967 (UNC-Chapel Hill); B.A., 1961 (UNC-Chapel Hill). Appointed 1972; Died on January 8, 2020.

Howard Morrall Harper, Jr.

Professor Emeritus of English; Ph.D., 1964 (Pennsylvania State University); M.A., 1957 (Pennsylvania State University); B.A., 1952 (Slippery Rock State College). Appointed 1964; Died on April 12, 2019.

Milton Sydney Heath, Jr.

Professor Emeritus of Government; LL.B., 1952 (Columbia University); A.B., 1949 (Harvard University). Appointed 1957; Died on October 20, 2019.

Herbert Carlisle Henley, Jr.

Professor Emeritus of Social Work; Ph.D., 1971 (UNC-Chapel Hill); M.S.P.H., 1962 (UNC-Chapel Hill); B.S., 1960 (North Carolina State University). Appointed 1968; Died on July 23, 2019.

Charles Michael van der Horst

Professor Emeritus of Medicine; M.D., 1979 (Harvard University); A.B., 1974 (Duke University). Appointed 1988; Died on June 14, 2019.

Jeffrey L. Houpt

Dean Emeritus of UNC School of Medicine; B.S., (Wheaton College); M.D., (Baylor College). Appointed 1997; Died on January 13, 2020

Joan Cornoni Huntley

Professor Emerita of Public Health; Ph.D., 1970 (UNC-Chapel Hill); M.P.H. 1962 (University of Virginia); A.B, 1953 (Mary Washington College). Appointed 1975; Died on August 5, 2019.

C.L. Kendall

Professor Emeritus of Business; D.B.A., 1972 (Harvard University); M.B.A., 1956 (Harvard University); B.S., 1950 (Wichita State University). Appointed 1968; Died on December 3, 2019.

Horst Kessemeier

Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy; Ph.D., 1964 (Washington University); B.S., 1957 (University of Hamburg). Appointed 1964; Died on July 3, 2019.

Charles Houston Long

Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies; L.H.D., 1971 (Dickinson College); Ph.D., 1962 (University of Chicago); B.D., 1953 (University of Chicago). Appointed 1974; Died on February 12, 2020.

Patricia Jean Pukkila

Professor Emerita of Biology; PhD., 1975 (Yale University); B.S., 1970 (University of Wisconsin, Madison). Appointed 1979; Died on June 20, 2019.

Christoph E. Schweitzer

Professor Emeritus of Germanic Languages and Literature; Ph.D., 1954 (Yale University); M.A., 1949 and 1950 (University of Wisconsin). Appointed 1970; Died on October 12, 2019.

Lawrence Meyer Slifkin 

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy; Ph.D., 1950 (Princeton University); B.A., 1947 (New York University). Appointed 1955; Died on December 2, 2019.

Ruel Willoughby Tyson Jr.

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies; B.D., 1956 (Yale University); A.B., 1953 (Washington and Lee University). Appointed 1967; Died on May 30, 2019.

Gerald (Gerry) Unks

Professor Emeritus of Education; Ph.D., 1967 (University of Illinois); M.A., 1961 (Bradley University); B.A., 1958 (University of Illinois). Appointed 1967; Died on November 9, 2019. 

Joel Rudolph Williamson

Professor Emeritus of History; Ph.D., 1964 (University of California-Berkeley); M.A., 1951 (University of South Carolina); A.B., 1949 (University of South Carolina). Appointed 1960; Died on November 9, 2019.


In Memoriam 2020 slideshow (PPT)

Past remembrances

2019 Deceased Faculty Remembrances

2018 Deceased Faculty Remembrances

2017 Deceased Faculty Remembrances

2016 Deceased Faculty Remembrances

2015 Deceased Faculty Remembrances

2014 Deceased Faculty Remembrances

2013 Deceased Faculty Remembrances

2012 Deceased Faculty Remembrances

2011 Deceased Faculty Remembrances

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