In Memoriam 2018
Samuel Haskell Baron
Professor Emeritus of English; Ph.D., 1952 (Columbia); M.A., 1948 (Columbia); B.S., 1942 (Cornell). Appointed 1972; Died on August 16, 2017.
Helga Bister-Broonsen
Associate Professor Emerita of German; Ph.D. 1986 (Berkeley). Appointed 1986; Died on February 10, 2018.
Edwin Louis Brown
Professor Emeritus of Classics; Ph.D., 1961, (Princeton); B.A., 1950, (Haverford). Appointed 1961. Died March 27, 2017.
Richard Lee Brummet
Professor Emeritus of Accounting; Ph.D., 1956 (Michigan); M.S., 1947 (Illinois); B.E., 1942 (Illinois State). Appointed 1970; Died on July 30, 2017.
Paul Leslie Bunce
Professor Emeritus of Surgery; M.D., 1942 (Chicago); A.B., 1938 (Oberlin). Appointed 1952; Died on March 18, 2017.
Thomas Michael Carsey
Professor of Political Science; PhD., 1995 (Indiana University). Appointed 2006; Died on February 21, 2018.
Jason Davis
Assistant Professor of Geography. Ph.D., 2010 (Santa Barbara); M.E.M., 2003 (Duke); B.S., 1992 (Berkeley). Appointed 2017; Died on April 1, 2018.
Frederick Louis Elbridge
Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Physiology; M.D., 1948 (Stanford); B.A., 1945 (Stanford). Appointed 1973; Died on June 1, 2017.
Lawrence Irwin Gilbert
Professor Emeritus of Biology; Ph.D., 1958 (Cornell); M.S., 1955 (New York University); B.S., 1950 (Long Island University). Appointed 1980; Died on October 31, 2017.
David Robinson Godschalk
Professor Emeritus of City and Regional Planning; Ph.D., 1971 (UNC-Chapel Hill); M.A., 1964 (UNC-Chapel Hill); B.A. 1959 (University of Florida); B.A (Dartmouth) 1953. Appointed 1969; Died on January 27, 2018.
Johnny Lee Greene
Professor Emeritus of English; Ph.D., 1974 (UNC-Chapel Hill); M.A., 1972 (UNC-Chapel Hill); B.A., 1967 (UNC-Chapel Hill). Appointed 1975; Died on October 28, 2017.
Thomas Hall
Professor Emeritus of Medicine; M.D. M.P.H., 1960 (Harvard), B.A. 1952 (Harvard). Appointed 1971; Died on May 20, 2017.
George F. Hamilton
Professor Emeritus of Physiology; Ph.D., 1961 (University of Iowa); B.S., 1953 (University of Pennsylvania). Appointed 1965; Died November 24, 2017
Paul Hardin, III
Chancellor Emeritus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; J.D., 1952 (Duke); B.A., (Duke). Appointed 1988; Died on July 1, 2017.
Paul Gershon Haskell
Professor Emeritus of Law; J.D., 1951 (Harvard); B.A, 1948 (Harvard). Appointed 1977; Died March 7, 2018
John Miles Headley
Professor Emeritus of History; Ph.D., 1960 (Yale); M.A., 1953 (Yale); B.A., 1951 (Princeton). Appointed 1964; Died on September 22, 2017.
Jonathan Hess
Professor of Germanic & Slavic Languages and Literatures. Ph.D., 1993 (University of Pennsylvania); M.A., 1989 (Johns Hopkins); B.A., 1987 (Yale). Appointed 1993; Died on April 9, 2018.
(Rucker) Sterling Hennis, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Education; Ph.D., 1961 (UNC-Chapel Hill); M.A., 1953 (UNC-Chapel Hill); A.B., 1952 (UNC Chapel Hill). Appointed 1961; Died on February 14, 2018.
William Theodore Herzog
Professor Emeritus of Public Health; M.S.P.H., 1958 (UNC-Chapel); B.A., 1955 (Knox College). Appointed 1964; Died on January 30, 2018
Berton Harris Kaplan
Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology; Ph.D., 1962; M.S., 1952 (UNC-Chapel Hill); B.S., 1951 (Virginia Polytechnic Institute). Appointed 1960; Died on May 5, 2017.
Diane Ruth Leonard
Professor of Comparative Literature; Ph.D., 1971 (UNC-Chapel Hill); A.B., 1965 (Marshall). Appointed 1973; Died on September 30, 2017.
Barclay “Bob” C. Martin
Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology; Ph.D. 1953 (Stanford); B.S. 1949 (Stanford) Appointed 1971; Died on February 2, 2018.
Brenda Morgan
Professor Emerita of Nursing; M.P.H., 1974 (UNC-Chapel Hill); B.S.N., (Illinois Wesleyan). Appointed 1974; Died on July 20, 2017.
Charlene Mae Nelson
Associate Professor Emerita of Physical Therapy; M.A., 1964 (Duke); Cert. P.T., 1951 (Medical College of Virginia); B.S., 1951 (William & Mary). Appointed 1961; Died May 11, 2017.
Barbara Nettles-Carlson
Associate Professor Emerita of Nursing; 1979 (Indiana); M.P.H., 1977; B.S.N., 1970 (UNC-Chapel Hill). Appointed 1973; Died on June 5, 2017.
David Ainsworth Ontjes
Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Pharmacology; M.D., 1964 (Harvard); M.A., 1961 (Oxford); B.A., 1959 (Kansas). Appointed 1969; Died on May 7, 2017.
James Dickson Phillips, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Law; J.D., 1948 (UNC-Chapel Hill); B.A., 1943 (Davidson College). Appointed 1960; Died on August 27, 2017.
Harold Ross Roberts
Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Pathology; M.D., 1955 (UNC-Chapel Hill); B.S., 1952 (UNC-Chapel Hill). Appointed 1961; Died on September 9, 2017.
Richard Hyman Shachtman
Professor Emeritus of Public Health; Ph.D., 1968 (University of Maryland); B.S., 1963 (University of Maryland). Appointed 1973; Died on June 24, 2017.
Stephen Morrison Shafroth
Professor Emeritus of Physics; Ph.D., 1953 (Johns Hopkins); B.A., 1947 (Harvard). Appointed 1967; Died on July 20, 2017.
Richard Lee (Dick) Simpson
Professor Emeritus of Sociology; PhD. 1956 (UNC-Chapel Hill); M.A., 1952 (Cornell); B.S., 1950 (UNC-Chapel Hill). Appointed 1956; Died on December 30, 2017
Joseph St. Jean, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Geology. Ph.D., 1956 (Indiana); M.A., 1953 (Indiana); B.S., 1949 (College of Puget Sound). Appointed 1957; Died March 7, 2018.
Harvey Maurice Wagner
Professor Emeritus of Operations Research and Management Science; Ph.D., 1960 (MIT); M.S., 1954 (Stanford); B.S., 1953 (Stanford). Appointed 1976; Died on July 23, 2017.
Robert Henry Wilkins
Professor of Neurosurgery; M.D., 1959 (University of Pittsburgh); B.S., 1955 (University of Pittsburgh). Appointed 2012; Died on March 31, 2017.
Past remembrances
2017 Deceased Faculty Remembrances
2016 Deceased Faculty Remembrances
2015 Deceased Faculty Remembrances
2014 Deceased Faculty Remembrances
2013 Deceased Faculty Remembrances