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Three amendments to The Faculty Code of University Government, our university’s foundational document for faculty governance, were put before the faculty for approval after having been approved by the Faculty Council at its January 2024 meeting. A vote was conducted via an online survey that was open from January 31 through February 11, 2024. The faculty voted to adopt three resolutions amending different sections of The Faculty Code:

Resolution 2024-3. Amending The Faculty Code of University Government to increase the number of members on the Faculty Hearings Committee
This amendment increases the elected membership of the Faculty Hearings Committee from nine members to eleven members, to increase the likelihood that enough members are available to serve on hearing panels when needed and to spread the workload more evenly among members when multiple hearings are held in a single term.

Resolution 2024-4. Amending The Faculty Code of University Government to increase the number of members on the Committee on Honorary Degrees and Special Awards
This amendment increases the elected membership of the faculty Committee on Honorary Degrees and Special Awards from six members to seven members, to increase the proportion of members eligible to participate in the event of one or more members’ recusal and to provide for an odd number of elected members.

Resolution 2024-5. Amending The Faculty Code of University Government to change the procedure for determining a quorum of the Faculty Council
This amendment changes how a quorum is determined at Faculty Council meetings by allowing the ex officio members elected to the Faculty Assembly Delegation and Faculty Executive Committee to count toward the quorum. Previously, only faculty directly elected to serve on the Council comprised a quorum at Faculty Council meetings. 


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