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Secretary of the Faculty Jill Moore announced the results of the vote on amendments to The Faculty Code of University Government as proposed in “Resolution 2022-6. Amending The Faculty Code of University Government as it pertains to the Chair of the Faculty and Secretary of the Faculty.”

The resolution passed by a vote of 739 to 32. Slightly more than 20% of eligible faculty members cast a vote. Electronic ballots were sent to all members of the voting faculty on Nov. 18, 2022. The vote closed at midnight on Dec. 9.

The amendments will reduce the term lengths served by the chair of the faculty and the secretary of the faculty, and provide for the new roles of chair-elect and past-chair of the faculty. The amendments have a delayed implementation date and will not affect the upcoming election of a new chair of the faculty—the person elected as chair this spring will serve a three-year term. For more information on The Code amendments approved by this vote, please see the following documents:

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