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Update to initial post: The nomination deadline has been extended to 5 p.m. on Thursday, September 15

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

I’m writing to you as the chair of the Honorary Degrees and Special Awards Committee to encourage you to consider nominating a colleague to be our campus’s nominee for the 2023 Oliver Max Gardner Award.

The award was established by the will of former North Carolina Governor O. Max Gardner to recognize a member of the UNC System faculty who, during the current year, has “made the greatest contribution to the welfare of the human race.” It is quite a tall order, though faculty on this and other System campuses are doing incredible things, such as Prof. Melissa B. Miller from Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, the 2022 UNC-Chapel Hill nominee. The winner is selected by the UNC Board of Governors among nominations submitted by each campus. The Gardner award is the highest honor the UNC System confers on faculty and is the only award for which faculty members across all of its campuses are eligible.

The nomination deadline is September 12, 2022.

More information about the award and instructions for submitting a nomination are available at this link. Nominators will be asked to submit contact information for their nominee and a detailed letter of nomination. The awards committee would also appreciate receiving the candidate’s current CV.

Questions about the award and nomination process may be directed to the Office of Faculty Governance at

I look forward to reviewing your submissions.


Amelia F. Drake, MD
Chair, Honorary Degrees and Special Awards Committee
Newton D. Fischer Distinguished Professor of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery


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