Dear Faculty Colleagues,
The Office of Faculty Governance, on behalf of the Committee on Honorary Degrees and Special Awards, is now accepting nominations for the 2019 O. Max Gardner Award through November 30, 2018.
The award, established in 1947 by the will of former North Carolina Governor O. Max Gardner, recognizes a member of the UNC system faculty “who, during the current scholastic year, has made the greatest contribution to the welfare of the human race.” The winner is selected by the UNC Board of Governors. The Gardner award is the highest honor the system confers on faculty and is the only award for which faculty members across all of its campuses are eligible.
The 2018 award recipient was Dr. Ruben G. Carbonell, the Frank Hawkins Kenan Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University.
Nominations are due at the end of November and will be considered by the Committee on Honorary Degrees and Special Awards before the initial campus deadline. The committee will select one nominee from UNC-Chapel Hill to forward to the chancellor.
Instructions for submitting a nomination are available on the Office of Faculty Governance website, which includes more information about the award. Nominators will be asked to submit contact information for their nominee and a brief letter of nomination.
If you have questions about the award and nomination process, please contact the Office of Faculty Governance at 919-962-2146 or facgov@unc.edu.
Ferrel Guillory
Chair of the Committee on Honorary Degrees and Special Awards
Professor of the Practice, School of Media and Journalism
Director, Program on Public Life