2015 North Carolina State AAUP Conference
“Reclaiming the Narrative for Higher Education in North Carolina”
Date: Saturday, March 28, 2015
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: UNCG Elliott University Center
Keynote Speaker:
Professor Irene Mulvey
Fairfield University
Morning Session: Organizing in Troubled Times Afternoon Panel: Coalition Building with Allied Organizations
Scholars for North Carolina’s Future (SNCF)
UNCG Student Power Faculty Forward
To register, please email dlbell@uncg.edu. There is no cost for this conference for any faculty members or graduate students interested in attending. Registration is for the purposes of obtaining a count for the lunch that will be served.
Registration for NC-AAUP State Conference: 3/28/15 from 9 am till 3 pm
Registration with light Breakfast begins at 8 am, UNCG-Elliott University Center.