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Statement from the Faculty Athletics Committee, November 4, 2014

The Faculty Athletics Committee is sponsoring two open forum listening sessions open to faculty and staff to aid in our ongoing work plan.  Your thoughts and suggestions will assist with agenda setting and our continued analysis of policy, procedure, and philosophy practiced at UNC related to academics and athletics.  The following information will help you know how and when to participate in our committee’s work on behalf of the faculty.

  • Wednesday, November 5, 11:30 to 1:00, Room 504, Wilson Library
  • Tuesday, November 11, 12:30 to 2:00, Hitchcock Room, Sonya Haynes Stone Center

At any time, you have nine elected faculty members with whom you can communicate your questions and suggestions and information to be considered by FAC during our work this year and in the future.

  • Joy Renner, 966-5147,
  • Marc Cohen,
  • Beverly Foster, 966-4995,
  • Paul Friga, 962-3786,
  • Layna Mosley, 962-0416,
  • Andy Perrin, 962-6876,
  • John Stephens, 962-5190,
  • Debbie Stroman, 843-0336,
  • Kim Strom-Gottfried, 962-6495,

Our roles:

  1. monitoring existing systems and policies and organization related to academics,
  2. reviewing present academic outcomes and trends,
  3. seeking out Best Practice information to guide our refinement of the UNC connection of academics and athletics, and
  4. discussing trends in college athletics on topics that could affect academics
  5. providing input to new systems and policies to strengthen the student athlete’s UNC experience.

FAC key topics and focus for 2014-15:

Review topics – Working Group processes analysis; advising of student athletes; admissions;  community voices; major and course distributions; student athlete experience data; status of ASPSA and MAP; voices of students, especially groups who may be marginalized or misunderstood and underserviced; resources for the students

Moving Forward Topics –  Faculty and student athlete communication, understanding and healthy culture development;   Student-athlete time distribution and commitment;   Student athlete integration into campus life and in governance and leadership

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