Carolina’s mid-year commencement ceremony will be held on Sunday, December 14th at 2:00 p.m. at the Dean E. Smith Center. There are fewer graduates in December than in May, and the number of associated family and friends present is correspondingly smaller. As a result you can play a large role in the life of December 2014 UNC graduates by joining the faculty who attend this climactic event.
As has been the campus tradition, one of our own will be the commencement speaker. Dr. James (Jim) H. Johnson Jr., the William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor of strategy and entrepreneurship and director of the Urban Investment Strategies Center, has been selected to speak.
The conferral of degrees is the culmination of years of investment by everyone associated with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We invite you to participate in the faculty procession with or without regalia. Faculty members will assemble at 1:30 p.m. in the Press Room of the Smith Center. Use Entry D and take the elevator down to the main floor. Marshals will direct you to the room. Parking is available in the top tier of the Manning lot adjacent to the Smith Center. Full details are online at
To ensure that your name is on the parking list and to have an accurate count for the processional, please email your RSVP to by December 8th.
As the curtain falls on another successful semester, please consider joining in this December commencement celebration.