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Chair of the Faculty Jan Boxill sent the following message to the General Faculty on July 17, 2013:

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

I know you may have received the announcement below through the “Informational” email system, but I just wanted to encourage you to take a second look, and to consider joining me—in regalia if you have it—for the faculty processional at the new student convocation on August 18th.  This is a very exciting event for the incoming students, and having a significant number of faculty present is a wonderful way to welcome them here.  Full details are below.  Please note that an RSVP is requested by August 9th.

—–Original Message—–

July 16, 2013


TO: All Faculty

FROM: James W. Dean, Jr.
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

RE: New Student Convocation- August 18, 2013

Please join Chancellor Carol Folt and me for New Student Convocation and a Tar Heel Beginnings welcome on Sunday, August 18, 2013, at 7:00 pm in the Dean Smith Basketball Arena.

Carolina is poised to welcome nearly 4,000 first-year and transfer students for Academic Year 2013-2014. Convocation is our chance to introduce new students to the vibrant intellectual life of our University. This year’s featured speaker will be UNC Professor of History Heather Williams, a scholar of African Americans in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and author of Help Me To Find My People:The African American Search for Family Lost in Slavery. Professor Williams’ address will be a complement to the Summer Reading Program book, Toni Morrison’s Home.

After Convocation concludes, the evening continues with a Tar Heel Beginnings pep rally. This is our chance to share some of Carolina’s favorite traditions with the new members of our community. Please plan to stay for this part as well, to learn a cheer or two, and meet some of our Tar Heel student-athletes.

We request that members of the faculty wear academic regalia and participate in the formal procession. Please plan to arrive at the Smith Center by 6:30 p.m. and meet in the Skipper Bowles Hall, for robing. Parking will be available in the Koury Lot adjacent to the Smith Center.

Please RSVP to Jane Smith at 919-962-0045 (or email by August 9th.

Let’s help our new Carolina students get off to a great start on their undergraduate education and show them a warm welcome. Thank you.

This email is sponsored by: Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

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