We thought it might be useful to create a sort of final compendium of key documents related to the recently approved UNC strategic plan, Our Time Our Future: The UNC Compact with North Carolina, Strategic Directions 2013-2018 , approved by the Board of Governors on February 8, 2013. Here they are:
Our Time Our Future: The UNC Compact with North Carolina: (Final, approved version, February 2013)
Faculty Assembly final response to draft Strategic Plan (issued January 19, 2013)
Our University, Our Future: A Faculty Vision for UNC Strategic Directions (prepared by the Faculty Advisory Committee to the Strategic Directions Initiative, November 2012)
UNC-CH’s Faculty Executive Committee resolutions in support of Faculty Assembly’s work on strategic plan:
- Resolution 2013-4. On Support for the UNC Faculty Assembly’s Response to the Draft Strategic Plan (Passed by Faculty Executive Committee, 1/28/2013)
- Resolution 2013-5. On Endorsing Resolutions of the UNC Faculty Assembly in Response to the UNC Strategic Planning Process (Passed by Faculty Executive Committee, 1/28/2013)