October 18, 2012
Sent by email to the General Faculty
Dear Faculty Colleagues,
As most of you are probably aware, our Faculty Council, and the faculty senates at several other UNC system schools have over the past month passed resolutions calling for more faculty input into the recently appointed UNC Advisory Committee on Strategic Directions.
I wanted to let you know that in response to these calls, President Tom Ross has worked with the systemwide Faculty Assembly Chair, Professor Catherine Rigsby (ECU) to create a Faculty Advisory Council to provide a mechanism for academic input into the planning process. Prof. Rachel Willis from our campus has been named to the Faculty Advisory Council. See a recent post on our website for a complete roster and more information on the Faculty Advisory Council’s role.
Simultaneously, but separately from these official actions, an ad-hoc coalition of concerned faculty, staff, and students on our campus has organized an open forum next week to discuss ideas about the university’s future, with the hope of informing the planning process. The organizers have asked that I let you know that their forum will be held on Tuesday, October 23, from 5:00-6:00 pm in the Sonja Haynes Stone Center; they invite you all to participate. For more details, see the attached flyer, or contact faculty organizer and forum moderator Prof. Bill Race (Classics) at whrace@email.unc.edu.
We will continue to keep you informed about the systemwide planning process as we learn more.
Best regards,
Jan Boxill
Chair of the Faculty